
  1. K

    No more Tegretol!

    Hi, all! I haven't been here in a while, but I wanted to share this with people who will understand how exciting this is. As of today I am no longer taking Tegretol! Tegretol was the second med I was put on (I was on Dilantin for about a month at the beginning, but it didn't work and had really...
  2. Hand of Blood

    Coming off tablet myself???

    So I been at neurologist he wants me to change from keppra to vimpat, I heard what a nightmare vimpat is with the dizzy ness and I already have vertigo and dizzy on tegretol which I hate the meds but for some reason I can't get off tegretol Anyway I don't want to go on vimpat I'm seeing my...
  3. Pipsee

    Weaning off Epilim

    HI all! I haven't been around for a little while! C's (my daughter's) doctor has suggested we wean her off Epilim syrup and I'm just wondering if anyone or any parents have had to wean off Epilim and what happened? She was on 7 ml twice a day and we've slowly weaned down to 4.5 ml twice a day...
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