Epilepsy, Autism and Metabolic Disorders
There are hundreds of inborn errors of metabolism that have seizures as a symptom. Metabolic disorders are also common with ASD, a connection well worth exploring. For some, the ASD cognitive\behavioral symptoms may be a result of the metabolic disorder. A number of metabolic disorders can be treated with diet and supplements. More information and links below.
This abstract’s quote is from an in-depth article about autism and epilepsy:
Epilepsy & Behavior
Volume 47, June 2015, Pages 147–157
Richard E. Frye
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) affects a significant number of individuals in the United States, with the prevalence continuing to grow. A significant proportion of individuals with ASD have comorbid medical conditions such as epilepsy. In fact, treatment-resistant epilepsy appears to have a higher prevalence in children with ASD than in children without ASD, suggesting that current antiepileptic treatments may be suboptimal in controlling seizures in many individuals with ASD. Many individuals with ASD also appear to have underlying metabolic conditions. Metabolic conditions such as mitochondrial disease and dysfunction and abnormalities in cerebral folate metabolism may affect a substantial number of children with ASD, while other metabolic conditions that have been associated with ASD such as disorders of creatine, cholesterol, pyridoxine, biotin, carnitine, γ-aminobutyric acid, purine, pyrimidine, and amino acid metabolism and urea cycle disorders have also been associated with ASD without the prevalence clearly known. Interestingly, all of these metabolic conditions have been associated with epilepsy in children with ASD. The identification and treatment of these disorders could improve the underlying metabolic derangements and potentially improve behavior and seizure frequency and/or severity in these individuals. This paper provides an overview of these metabolic disorders in the context of ASD and discusses their characteristics, diagnostic testing, and treatment with concentration on mitochondrial disorders. To this end, this paper aims to help optimize the diagnosis and treatment of children with ASD and epilepsy.
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Evidence for treatable inborn errors of metabolism in a ...
National Center for Biotechnology Information
by M Spilioti - 2013 - Cited by 6 - Related articles
Dec 24, 2013 - Keywords: autism, inborn errors of metabolism, biotin, ketogenic diet, ... Thus, confirmed diagnoses in ASD patients for a known IEM was ... Twenty-five of 187 subjects manifested pathological EEG findings without seizures, ..
Might diet play a role in autism?
onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ajmg.a.../pdfJohn Wiley & Sons
autism, intellectual disability, and epilepsy caused by an inborn error of metabolism suggests this ... models of autism spectrum disorders. After a week of feeding .
American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A
Volume 161, Issue 2, Article first published online: 24 JAN 2013
[PDF]Has Your Child with Autistic Symptoms Been Properly ...
many children who exhibit ASD symptoms ... may have strokes, seizures, gastro-intestinal problems (reflux .... inborn errors of metabolism, or mitochondrial.
Epilepsy & Autism - Epilepsy Ireland
associated with perinatal and neonatal brain insult and inborn errors of metabolism. Genetic ... Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Epilepsy Page 1 of 5 ...
Epilepsy in inborn errors of metabolism - John Libbey Eurotext
Epilepsy in inborn errors of metabolism Volume 7, issue 2, June 2005 .... is absent on proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H-MRS) of the brain or .... The patients additionally show severe psychomotor retardation and autistic features.