Can you stop a Simple Partial?

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Though I have my Tonic-clonic seizures under control, I still have issues with concentration/focus, memory, energy, etc...

One issue I am having more often is twitching or flexing of muscles in different parts of my body. This most often effects my extremities. I believe it also tends to happen more when I am tired, though I am keeping a log of it to try to find a pattern before my next neuro visit.

Though this sounds like it might be epilepsy related, if I concentrate on it, I can stop it. Then in a little while I may notice it again. Would I be able to stop it if it was actually from E?

Is this possibly from E or more likely from nerves or medications?

Note: This is different than the occasional sudden muscle jerks I get. Those are sudden and usually just one or two quick spasms. These newer ones take off slow and then get regular.

Good Question - maybe it's time for Johnny Neurofeedbackseed to answer this one!


Interesting question!

Every time when a Simple Partial struck me,
it happens so fast I don't think it's even
possible for one to stop one. I've tried to
"stop" seizures before and it's not possible,
not to me, because once those nerves starts
firing on it's overloaded course, it's already
on its way.

But with Neurofeedback - I'm unsure how that
works ... which now, Mr. Johnny Neurofeedback
might be able to answer that one?

A neurologist once suggested counting backwards by 2's starting at 99 would help lessen my seizures. I never got past 91 & I'd always get lost at some point but doing that would often lessen the seizure or the post-ictal phase.
Though I have my Tonic-clonic seizures under control, I still have issues with concentration/focus, memory, energy, etc...

One issue I am having more often is twitching or flexing of muscles in different parts of my body. This most often effects my extremities. I believe it also tends to happen more when I am tired, though I am keeping a log of it to try to find a pattern before my next neuro visit.

Though this sounds like it might be epilepsy related, if I concentrate on it, I can stop it. Then in a little while I may notice it again. Would I be able to stop it if it was actually from E?

Is this possibly from E or more likely from nerves or medications?

Note: This is different than the occasional sudden muscle jerks I get. Those are sudden and usually just one or two quick spasms. These newer ones take off slow and then get regular.


I was wondering if anyone else had some feedback for me on this question?
You know I noticed the same thing with the myoclonus from the keppra. Sometimes I can even start it, though I'm not sure if I'm starting it, or thinking about it going to happen because I feel like it might.

The myoclonic jerking only happens in my hands, lower legs, and feet. Sometimes I can also stop it by moving the position I am in, but if I move back it will start again.

The jerking has went down significantly and I even had 2 days last week where I had no jerking at all. In September i was jerking over 30 times a day, in october over 20, yesterday 5, Friday, none at all.

But when it comes to the seizures I had before medicine, there was nothing I could do but wait them out.
I can. I pretty much focus on nothing. I close my eyes and shut out everything including my thoughts, sight, ... and I'm fine. I get an aura that's a fear. I try to calm down and kind of 'fight it'. Does it stop it? Yes.

I practice meditation. That may sound silly, but it works for me. And, I focus on relaxing or favorite music when I'm in a normal state. I think the music redirects any abnormal signals. It's just a theory. I should try neurofeedback to test this theory.
Though this sounds like it might be epilepsy related, if I concentrate on it, I can stop it. Then in a little while I may notice it again. Would I be able to stop it if it was actually from E?

I'm sure Dr. Andrews could give you better guidance, but this is the basis for Neurobehavioral / Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) as I understand it. It is possible to guide the brain away from behaviors/thought patterns that are likely to lead to seizures.
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