DC Public Schools (DCPS) to train faculties on seizure recognition and response (proposed bill)

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Thursday, councilmembers Charles Allen and Robert White introduced Seizure Safe Amendment Act of 2023. Under the proposed bill, teachers and administrators with DCPS will be required to have training in seizure recognition, administering emergency seizure medication and ensuring students have individualized seizure action plans.

“Most of us don’t know how to respond, time is of the essence, responding appropriately is critically,” said White. “We have to make sure there is a plan in place, schools can administer medicine when appropriate.”


Maybe it will catch on with more school districts across the country.
Hi Bernard,

That is wonderful news it is about time public schools learned about epilepsy and what to look out for when a
student has a seizure and all the staff in the school should know what to do if a person has a seizure. I can't count
the times teachers sent students to my classroom because they saw another student in their class have a seizure
and they were scared and didn't know what to do. I would come to the class help the student out and by then the
school nurse would walk into the classroom. After this happened a few times I made it a point to talk with all the
staff at a meeting and tell them about epilepsy and what to do if a person has a seizure.
Thank you for sharing this info. I wish you only the best and May God Bless You,

I recently worked in a school where we had a 75 minute mandatory seizure training module by the Epilepsy Foundation to complete. All people did was whine about it :confused:

It was hard to hear my previous co-workers feedback on the matter, but I thought it was excellent that it had made it's way into our local school system as mandatory for staff. I feel it's a real breakthrough on awareness.

But even if staff if trained - that doesn't mean they're always going to realize a seizure when it's happening when it's not tonic-clonic (even though the course fully describes these in detail - mostly why the training was longer because it went over many different types of seizures and had an assessment).
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