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They're horrible, sometimes debilitating, embarrassing, terrifying (esp when I feel them coming on). I've found that there is nothing enjoyable about seizures or E.
So I just stumbled upon this thread researching what happened to me. So I've never had a "seizure," that I know of in the past, but I've had a myriad of "spiritual experiences," I would call them. I recently woke up on the floor with my arms up in the air, fixed, some foaming saliva kind of thing happening in my mouth, as well as a clenched jaw. The main thing is, though, my memory was only of pretty much the most amazing feeling I have ever experienced! It was as if I had just visited what I would want heaven to feel like. I was not high or drunk, just to add that note. So yeah, it sounds like I had some sort of seizure, and yes, I enjoyed the hell out of it...pun intended lol