I've been on keppra for about 10 years now, following seizures resulting from scarring after brain surgery for a meningioma. I was never quite myself on keppra, very irritable, anxious, etc, however I thought it might have also had something to do with the major invasive brain surgery! Anyway, I was more or less too terrified of having another seizure to think of going off a medication that works, yet makes me miserable.
I'm now in my early 30s, engaged, and beginning to think about starting a family soon. I'm going to talk to my neuro tomorrow to get the final instructions for weaning off but I'm still scared. My Neuro and I have discussed the pros and cons of going off a bit in prior appts so I know, for example, there is still a 40% chance I'll have another seizure.
Could anyone with a similar experience share some insight... what should I expect in terms of sidefects of going OFF of the drug and do you think my irritability/ depression will ever subside or am I too far gone after 10 years on this stuff... or maybe I'm just a really grumpy girl haha!
Thank you so much!
I've been on keppra for about 10 years now, following seizures resulting from scarring after brain surgery for a meningioma. I was never quite myself on keppra, very irritable, anxious, etc, however I thought it might have also had something to do with the major invasive brain surgery! Anyway, I was more or less too terrified of having another seizure to think of going off a medication that works, yet makes me miserable.
I'm now in my early 30s, engaged, and beginning to think about starting a family soon. I'm going to talk to my neuro tomorrow to get the final instructions for weaning off but I'm still scared. My Neuro and I have discussed the pros and cons of going off a bit in prior appts so I know, for example, there is still a 40% chance I'll have another seizure.
Could anyone with a similar experience share some insight... what should I expect in terms of sidefects of going OFF of the drug and do you think my irritability/ depression will ever subside or am I too far gone after 10 years on this stuff... or maybe I'm just a really grumpy girl haha!
Thank you so much!