
  1. D

    Drugs and alcohol with epilepsy, my story. Any similar?

    I have never been diagnosed with epilepsy, but I had 3 full unconscious epileptic fits over about 8 months when I was 21. The only thing I can connect with all 3 seizures was not having much sleep in the days leading up, and all 3 occurred within 1 hour of getting out of bed - and I was rushing...
  2. M

    Going off keppra

    Hello, I've been on keppra for about 10 years now, following seizures resulting from scarring after brain surgery for a meningioma. I was never quite myself on keppra, very irritable, anxious, etc, however I thought it might have also had something to do with the major invasive brain surgery...
  3. T

    Patient/Caregiver Discussion for Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome/ARS

    If you or your child suffer from Acute Repetitive Seizures or Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome, Triangle Insights Group invites you to participate in patient and caregiver discussions in December 2016. We are reaching out to patients who suffer from ARS or LGS to share their opinions and experiences. A...
  4. S

    Meds making me not care about anything??

    I hope you all don't mind me coming around when I have questions. I know it's been a long time since my last visit! :( I've always noticed a bit of emotional "numbness" of sorts after so long on medications for depression, epilepsy etc., but is it going one step further making me not care...
  5. Intothatendlessblue

    Carbamazepin disposal...

    Hello all, It's been a long year and, unfortunately, a long time since I've been able post and check in with everyone. I've been traveling in the Middle East and didn't always have reliable internet or a computer, but I'm back in the states and now dealing with changes made while I was...
  6. W

    Medication withdrawal

    new here and looking for answers about medication withdrawl. I was placed on Vimpat after a few seizures over a weeks time and my pharmacy has run out of the medication so I will be off of it for two days with no "tapering off" I'm on 200 mg every day and take 100mg in the morning and 100mg at...
  7. R

    New here :) (managing unmedicated)

    Hi there, I am a 34 year old male living in South Australia and have been living with seizures now for around 4 years. During this discussion I am going to point out some of my own personal observations that may turn out to have no relevance at all, or be in disagreeance with some peoples...
  8. Matthew74

    Pain meds?

    My 15 year back injury decided I wasn't paying enough attention to it over Christmas, and since then I have been in disabling pain. I've been having all sorts of trouble with doctors, mostly because I really need something for the pain. The doctor gave me Norco (5mg hydrocodone / 325mg...
  9. S

    Vagabonding with epilepsy

    I am 36 years old now and have seen a lot of blogs on solo travel being a possibility even on a budget. I am wondering if that's true for someone with epilepsy though. Anyone out there with info on this? I have a good financial base but am not sure of the availability of medication in the...
  10. Garbo

    Issues with side effects from Topamax

    My epileptologist increased my Topamax to 300 mg (I also take Keppra) and I have been having side effects from it-- nausea, vomitting, GI problems, and because of those, headaches. They tend to fluctuate so the nausea is pretty consistent, but the other ones are not (the headaches are not)...
  11. nataliejx

    How do you deal with your epilepsy? What medication are you on?

    Hey everyone, just a little bit about name is Natalie I'm currently 21 and was diagnosed with epilepsy in November 2013. It all started when I went out for a friends birthday on 22nd September 2012, I'm not a big drinker so only had a few glasses of rose when I started to feel really...
  12. B

    how often is cortical dysplasia drug resistant?

    Hi all First time poster here so please be nice. I was diagnosed with cortical dysplasia (focal i think) a 5-6 months back after having 2 grand mal seizures (3-4 months apart). Once diagnosed they put me on lamotridgine (lactamil) and I eventually worked up to 2x50mg a day. However, I recently...
  13. D

    Holistic options? PTSD Epilepsy

    I have epilepsy and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. The one greatly effects the other. The medications I was on, zarontin, lamictal, tazadone, exacerbated my PTSD. I felt my quality of life was diminished enough that the risk of stopping medications outweighed their benefit. My seizures may have...
  14. J

    Early Childhood Educator looking for answers!

    1. How can Early Childhood Educators help children with epilepsy and seizure disorders? 2. What developmental domains are affected? (Social, emotional, physical, cognitive, and language) 3. What are some barriers that the children may face in a classroom setting? In the home setting? 4. What...
  15. C

    medication (lamictal xr) question

    Hey all, I'm about to be starting my sixth week on lamictal xr (200 mg), and just saw that it may have an effect on birth control. I'm also on dilantin, and I know that one of the side effects is that it makes both control less effective, and that is one of the reasons I want to get off of it...
  16. B

    Understanding my MRI analysis

    Can anyone help? Even if it just answering just one of the questions . I have just opened a letter from my neurologist post my first MRI, I had first seizure for 15 years and it is being suggested I go on lamotrigine. I am still waiting for EEG results but I do not really understand the...
  17. JLogefeil

    Pregnancy, Epilepsy, & Hospital Drugs?

    I'm 7 weeks and 3 days pregnant. My husband and I are trying to put together a plan just in case I end up in the ER we are trying to think of a plan. One of the main questions that we have is, is the med's they give you (ativan, dilation,versed, and ect) is that going to kill the baby? Do they...
  18. L

    Nobody understands postictal

    Does anybody else find this? Apparently I say weird things when I'm postictal and people ALWAYS take it seriously, like, I had a seizure at work and apparently when I 'came round' I was saying 'I haven't had a seizure' so the nurse (I worked in a nursing home) was like 'what on earth was you...
  19. K


    Hey all, My son is taking Trileptal for his complex partials. Doctor added Depakote today over the phone for some symptoms like eye blinking and dizziness that isn't being covered by the Trileptal (and we can't increase the Trileptal because of extreme nausea when we tried to increase it a...
  20. A

    Cost of Medication, a little tip I learned

    Trying a secondtime, lost what I typed. Anyway, I learned on the news something about the cost of medication. Couple of the most expensive places to get medication is CVS and Target. Two of the CHEAPER places is Costco and Sam's Club. For example: At CVS Lipitor is $117 and at Costco $17...
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