Can anyone help? Even if it just answering just one of the questions .
I have just opened a letter from my neurologist post my first MRI, I had first seizure for 15 years and it is being suggested I go on lamotrigine. I am still waiting for EEG results but I do not really understand the following from letter?...
"there is however comment of some very subtle asymmetry in area called medial temporal lobe which in some individuals is associated with tendency towards seizures. Although this was reported as equivocal it is possible it may represent a developmental change leading to a predisposition for seizures"
With no previous MRI how can it be a developmental change ? What does equivocal mean here in lay terms, that it is just a guess? Does anyone know in how many people such asymmetry results in seizures? Are brains like most bodies and not often symmetrical? Or is that metaphor not applicable?
She goes on to say " the issue is really restarting anticonvulsants and I think if anything this scan adds further weight to the idea that seizures may recur"
On a personal level would such a reading make you take up lamotrigine having been fit free for 15 years previously on no meds?
I have posted previously with the dilemma re going back on meds but this letter hasn't so far made it much clearer. Thanks for your time if you have read this .
I have just opened a letter from my neurologist post my first MRI, I had first seizure for 15 years and it is being suggested I go on lamotrigine. I am still waiting for EEG results but I do not really understand the following from letter?...
"there is however comment of some very subtle asymmetry in area called medial temporal lobe which in some individuals is associated with tendency towards seizures. Although this was reported as equivocal it is possible it may represent a developmental change leading to a predisposition for seizures"
With no previous MRI how can it be a developmental change ? What does equivocal mean here in lay terms, that it is just a guess? Does anyone know in how many people such asymmetry results in seizures? Are brains like most bodies and not often symmetrical? Or is that metaphor not applicable?
She goes on to say " the issue is really restarting anticonvulsants and I think if anything this scan adds further weight to the idea that seizures may recur"
On a personal level would such a reading make you take up lamotrigine having been fit free for 15 years previously on no meds?
I have posted previously with the dilemma re going back on meds but this letter hasn't so far made it much clearer. Thanks for your time if you have read this .