Pregnancy, Epilepsy, & Hospital Drugs?

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I'm 7 weeks and 3 days pregnant. My husband and I are trying to put together a plan just in case I end up in the ER we are trying to think of a plan. One of the main questions that we have is, is the med's they give you (ativan, dilation,versed, and ect) is that going to kill the baby? Do they give you med's at all when pregnant?
I was lucky through out my pregnancies that I didnt need any of those medications, so I cant tell you how they would affect the baby if you did need to take them. But in the meantime, If you do need to go to the hospital due to seizures, try to get as much information down as you can. A list of medications you are currently taking, and a over night bag just incase you need to stay over night. Congratulations on the pregnancy! :)
Check in with your neurologist and your OB-GYN to find out what specific recommendations they have in terms of emergency medications/interventions. If you're having a seizure that isn't stopping, that can be bad for both you and the baby, so they may administer one or another of the meds you mentioned. Those meds will not kill the baby.
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