
  1. M

    Mother of 5 mo infant just diagnosed

    My daughter is 5 months old (born Dec 2013) and was just diagnosed with epilepsy after having 21 tonic clonic seizures in 3 days and spending 8 days in the PICU at a SF children's hospital. This is all very scary and I'm trying to navigate it all as best I can and learn as much as possible to be...
  2. M

    Pregnancy Help!!!!!

    I found some shocking news that I'm 7 weeks pregnant! Anyone else would be over the moon but I'm worried/scared as it was unplanned and I've been taking my normal medication and no folic acid! (I take oxcarbazepine and lamotrigine) I arranged a private scan to check all seemed normal once I...
  3. JLogefeil

    Pregnancy, Epilepsy, & Hospital Drugs?

    I'm 7 weeks and 3 days pregnant. My husband and I are trying to put together a plan just in case I end up in the ER we are trying to think of a plan. One of the main questions that we have is, is the med's they give you (ativan, dilation,versed, and ect) is that going to kill the baby? Do they...
  4. A

    New- my 11mo baby girl has had 8 seizures in 2months.

    My Isabelle is now 11 months and was 9 months at her first seizure. She has has 8 in total as of today. The PHX children's hospital diagnosed her with epilepsy but the EEG and MRI did not show any signs. Blood work also came back good. She was born in time and at home naturally with a lmw. No...
  5. B

    7mo still no control

    Hi everyone, My daughter began having seizures at 6wks....still having them. They are supposedly partial seizures that are progressing to generalized. Some days she has 2 a day, and sometimes there are 2-3 days between episodes. Originally she was put on Keppra and when that didnt work...
  6. M

    Breastfeeding a baby with epilepsy

    Hi, I wondered if anyone had any tips on breastfeeding my baby who has been diagnosed with epilepsy, please? In particular I want to know: If there are any foods/drinks I should avoid? If there is any particular diet I should adopt (I have been reading about ketognic diets, but have no idea...
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