Have you ever?

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A what?

No... we don't get that in england

Or I've never heard of it anyway

Have you ever attended someone's wedding
Yes--I've attended weddings of cousins & cousins' children

Have you ever tried food from other countries/cultures? I love to
Oh yes! Thai is my favorite, Mexican a close 2nd.

Have you ever been to a casino?
A what?

No... we don't get that in england

Or I've never heard of it anyway

Have you ever attended someone's wedding

Hockey is ice skating with a stick and a puck. Your team tries to shoot the puck in the goal 😀
I know nothing about cricket if that helps
No. I’ve never been to a casino. I have never had any interest in gambling.

Have you ever had a Hawaiian pizza? (ham & pineapple toppings)
Hockey is ice skating with a stick and a puck. Your team tries to shoot the puck in the goal 😀
I know nothing about cricket if that helps
Thanks for explaining that to me.

How big is it over there?. By big, I mean is it like football here in the UK?. Pretty much always someone playing or some tournament to be won.

The only sport I have ever shown any interest in is horseracing. I love sitting on the sofa watching it.
Hockey, Basketball, Baseball & Football are all big. My great aunt and uncle used to take me to the horse races. I have cool memories of that.

Yes I’ve played Monopoly and I like to be the car.
Have you ever been in a Parade?

I know people that have though. I know a group of friends who got chosen to be in the Disney afternoon parade. Well I used to know them, not anymore

Have you ever had someone call you, and when you pick up the phone you realise they have the wrong number and were meaning to talk to someone else?
That's happened often. When I got my new phone number, I kept getting calls for some guy enrolled in a City of Chicago College--and they'd be speaking in Spanish:D

If you meant American Football--I went to games in high school (grades 9-12). I enjoy watching both Soccer & American Football (haven't really watched that since dad passed away, though)

Have you ever been on a long car trip? We've taken many. In some ways, I enjoy it more than airplanes--you get to see the beauty of the country
No. I live in a city, so I'm lucky to have everything close by

Have you ever fallen out with a close friend over something really trivial?
Yea, recently happened over politics 😂

Have you ever worn 2 different socks and not noticed until you took your shoes off at the end of the day?
Yes... a few times. I like those. I never won much, £4 at the most, but it's still something..

Ever been on any type of boat?
Yes, quite a few times. My parents live near the water

Have you ever been skydiving
No. I don't like heights and I'm not sure I'd cope.

I do, however, remember passing a centre that specialised in it.

Thankfully the thing was closed, and I didn't have to watch people high up. I would have freaked if I did.

Ever complained about food in a restaurant??
Yes--I've been in a situation where the steak I ordered appeared grilled when served, but it definitely wasn't "grilled to order". Instead, it appeared to have been cooked earlier, then microwaved when I ordered. It was like trying to chew rubber!!

Ever receive an order that's completely wrong at a restaurant or at delivery?
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