I recently came across a condition called abdominal epilepsy. It seems to be a gastro-intestinal condition, one of the symptoms being abdominal pain and is described as a type of temporal lobe epilepsy (thank you Wikipedia). If anyone can shed a light as to whether what I'm about to describe is linked in any way to the above, I can bring it up with my specialist when I see him sometime soon...
I haven't had a proper grand-mal seizure now for the best part of 20 years. I am on mediation for it as I suffer lethargy and stunted mental performance when I'm not. I'm currently on 375Mg Lamotrogine/Lamictal a day. I have a rather large temporal lobe cyst on the left side (diagnosed about five years ago), so I'm currently experiencing memory/concentration/logical ability issues which are slowly getting worse - I'm 42.
The reason behind this post is thus and I'll try to keep it tasteful - I regularly have what I can loosely describe as auras (hopefully someone can tell me if I'm correct) but every time it happens, it's when I have an occupied bowel (need a poo - sorry!). But there is never any abdominal pain as described above.
There is no rhyme or reason as to when these happen; when they do, I am usually tired or relaxed, maybe reading a book or the television or even sitting at the table eating my dinner. If I'm mentally or physically active, they've never manifested. I might have two a week, I might have one every two weeks. I'm religiously taking the medication and am not over-doing things in any way. As I say, the common factor in all of this is the bowel thing. So here's what I experience (this may sound strange):
Due to the cyst, one of the concentration issues I have is that I cannot zone in on anything if I hear two people talking at once. For instance, if I'm on the phone and someone in the same room as me is talking, all I get is muffled sounds and white noise. Rarely this can be a trigger, but a more likely scenario is if I'm working in a room with the radio on in the background.
If I'm even subconsciously listening to the radio and I miss something due to a noise interruption, my mind goes into overdrive. It's as though inside my head, an argument starts in the mould of "You didn't hear that","hear what?","I don't know","what do you mean you don't know?","well did you hear it or not?"... and so on; it's like I'm deliberately trying to confuse myself using the 'voice' in my head, with a two way conversation with myself!
With this comes the tiniest of feelings of sickness and a mild hot flush. My eyesight then is affected, with everything seemingly turning 2D and flat - I have no real indication of distance and it scarily seems as though my perception of parallax (the way things move behind each other when you move) is affected. My hearing is affected as certain sounds become amplified and clear as others become dull and muffled. This is accompanied by slight dizziness and a tiny tingling sensation in my limbs and eyes.
The thing is, it's not an unpleasant feeling and I'd probably carry it on for as long as I could but I'm always conscious enough to know that it's a bad thing. They only last for a few seconds, maybe up to half a minute.
Does anyone else experience something like this or am I just completely mad and beyond help? :roflmao:
I haven't had a proper grand-mal seizure now for the best part of 20 years. I am on mediation for it as I suffer lethargy and stunted mental performance when I'm not. I'm currently on 375Mg Lamotrogine/Lamictal a day. I have a rather large temporal lobe cyst on the left side (diagnosed about five years ago), so I'm currently experiencing memory/concentration/logical ability issues which are slowly getting worse - I'm 42.
The reason behind this post is thus and I'll try to keep it tasteful - I regularly have what I can loosely describe as auras (hopefully someone can tell me if I'm correct) but every time it happens, it's when I have an occupied bowel (need a poo - sorry!). But there is never any abdominal pain as described above.
There is no rhyme or reason as to when these happen; when they do, I am usually tired or relaxed, maybe reading a book or the television or even sitting at the table eating my dinner. If I'm mentally or physically active, they've never manifested. I might have two a week, I might have one every two weeks. I'm religiously taking the medication and am not over-doing things in any way. As I say, the common factor in all of this is the bowel thing. So here's what I experience (this may sound strange):
Due to the cyst, one of the concentration issues I have is that I cannot zone in on anything if I hear two people talking at once. For instance, if I'm on the phone and someone in the same room as me is talking, all I get is muffled sounds and white noise. Rarely this can be a trigger, but a more likely scenario is if I'm working in a room with the radio on in the background.
If I'm even subconsciously listening to the radio and I miss something due to a noise interruption, my mind goes into overdrive. It's as though inside my head, an argument starts in the mould of "You didn't hear that","hear what?","I don't know","what do you mean you don't know?","well did you hear it or not?"... and so on; it's like I'm deliberately trying to confuse myself using the 'voice' in my head, with a two way conversation with myself!
With this comes the tiniest of feelings of sickness and a mild hot flush. My eyesight then is affected, with everything seemingly turning 2D and flat - I have no real indication of distance and it scarily seems as though my perception of parallax (the way things move behind each other when you move) is affected. My hearing is affected as certain sounds become amplified and clear as others become dull and muffled. This is accompanied by slight dizziness and a tiny tingling sensation in my limbs and eyes.
The thing is, it's not an unpleasant feeling and I'd probably carry it on for as long as I could but I'm always conscious enough to know that it's a bad thing. They only last for a few seconds, maybe up to half a minute.
Does anyone else experience something like this or am I just completely mad and beyond help? :roflmao: