I think that my condition is very similar to yours
I know that this thread is very old, but it applies to me too well for me to not post.
My condition is pretty mild, where when I have a seizure, I simply lose my short term memory for periods of about 15-minutes a few times throughout the day. But then I can go for 2-4 months without any signs of a seizure.
I first started experiencing these early in college. The college had a bottomless cup system going on for their Pepsi fountains. Thinking I could at least manage my weight a bit if I switched to Diet Mt Dew, I took full advantage of this bottomless program. I had a few of their refillable, liter sized plastic cups spread around where I always had access. It became an uncontrollable habit for me, but at such a low price and low impact to my health (it was Diet afterall and contained no calories!) I didn't think it could possible be a problem. Not for my weight, and certainly not for any Epilepsy which happened to start occurring not long after I got into the habit hardcore.
But there seemed to not really be a connection. I drink the stuff all the time, almost never drinking less than 2 liters in a day, and the seizures were so far apart that they couldn't be caused by the caffiene. But I started noticing that seizures always seemed to happen when I was in a situation outside the norm. Visiting my parents for an extended weekend, starting a new job, or going on a vacation. I started to think that stress may be a cause - although these things didn't really stress me out, they must have something in common.
Over a decade later, I started getting disgusted with my addiction and quit cold turkey. No issues since I still had a large supply of my medication which seemed to be doing a good job of eliminating the seizures. But my prescription was a year old and needed to be renewed if I was going to keep on it. So I just weened myself off of it keeping an emergency supply around just in case. I was doing well for about half a year.
I had some symptoms at work that felt like the onset of a seizure, but nothing came of it and a dose of the medication helped to make sure that was all that there was.
Then about 9-months after I quit my Diet Mountain Dew addiction, I was feeling pretty good about myself and rewarded myself with a drink, thinking I final had control of it. Within the next few weeks I was back on to drinking a large amount every day...I guess I was not in control as much as I thought. But I took a day off and SURPRISE, my first real seizure since the experiment started hit me at work. I went home and had a couple more before the end of the day. The trigger now seemed to be pretty clear.
I read up on it and found some sites suggesting the artificial sweetener in the drink is a likely cause, which convinced me to quit all over again. I was good for a couple more months, until I downed a 2-liter bottle of Iced Tea one day. The day after that - coming down off another caffeine high - and I had another bout of seizures.
Now it seems all too clear. Seizures always occurred after I had a lot of caffeine the day before, and nothing to give to my brain the day of. Visiting family where there was no supply for me. Starting a new job where I was unsure of how I was going to get my fix. Or maybe just running out, and seeing that the prices at the store were too high for me to refill my supply until I could find a good coupon in a couple days.
Now I am about 40 days from my last serious dose of caffeine or any seizure, and hoping that I have found my trigger. I feel more encouraged that I see other feel this is a trigger for them as well.