Lamictal day 6

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Horse head, I have had many of the same effects with Lamotrigine as you have stated. A common side effect,(written in journals, check it out on line), is insomnia. After 18 yrs I found that not having enough sleep instigated seizures. I needed a co-med and all meds counter acted with lamictal. I finally have a plan that works for me.
I'm not making any suggestions. I continue to take Lamictal and found a sugar and glutin free diet with high amounts of protein and fat keeps me tonic clonic free. I also include marijuana as it helps me go to sleep and if I smoke 2-3 hits I have a sound nights sleep with little side effects the next morning. I use the strain Super Silver Haze.
Good luck with this brother.
have no memory of the earlier post i made. had very bad day , three tc seizures that my husband saw that day. Next day i was shaky all day and was seeing things. After that the last few days have been good but little sleep still. Joyous was thinking of tring some hemp oil
well I'm still alive will be uping to 100mg in a couple of days. I'll be on that dose for 5 days I think ,gotta check the package , and then up to 100mgs twice a day. still having trouble sleeping. hopefully this wont get worse when i up the meds. feeling shaky most of the seizures that i know of sice the 20th.
also will be seeing the neuro on the 13th so i will ask him what I should do about the not sleeping and shakiness
Thought I would update. doing well on the 100 mg . sleeping problems have gone away. was supposed to go up to 200 last week but decided to stay on 100 for a full two weeks before going up. Been alittle dizzy off and on. No seizures that i know of
I'm glad to hear you are doing well on Lamictial. I like it and it seems to cause me very few bad side effects.
Thought I would update. doing well on the 100 mg . sleeping problems have gone away. was supposed to go up to 200 last week but decided to stay on 100 for a full two weeks before going up. Been alittle dizzy off and on. No seizures that i know of

I was on Lamictal a couple of years ago, and instructions were to increase by 25 mg every 5-7 days (to minimize side effects and risk of rash). Have things changed in that time with how rapidly lamictal can be titrated? An increase from 100 to 200 in a week is a pretty fast.
I just started in Oct and neuro had me go up 25 mg at a time. Could be because I had such a bad reaction to Keppra but I thought it was standard treatment to go up only 25 mg at a time.
They had me go from 25mg to 50 mg in two weeks then 50 to 100 in two weeks and they wanted me to go from 100 to 200 mg in one week but i decided to wait two weeks like I did with the other doses I will start 200 tomorrow. I used a starter pack and it had what I was supposed to take each day. then I called the neuro because I was going to run out before seeing him and he said to go to 200 once the starter pack was done but as I said I wanted to go up slower to minimise side effects. I had a bad reaction to keppra as well. Years ago when I took keppra I was fine. kinda weird
Lamictal to me it is like a super alert go go tablet and I absolutely love it except it gives me pain in my ears. If it wasn't for that it would be perfect since I am seizure free and it allows me to drink alcohol as normal. As much as I love it for the ear pain alone I have put up with for years I am trying something else.

Btw I take 225 mg a day
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I have been on Lamictal since March 1st. No sezures. Was on Keppra for a while but did not like the side effects. My nero switched me over reducing my Keppra to 500 twice a day and 100 Lamictal twice a day the aura's / smells are 99 % gone. I will have my drivers licence back in 45 days if I stay seizure free !!!

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Thats great malibu1966. I am on 100 mg twice a day now as well. some side effects I have had some trouble getting my word out right and some confusion . I'm sure I will stabilise soon.
Thats great malibu1966. I am on 100 mg twice a day now as well. some side effects I have had some trouble getting my word out right and some confusion . I'm sure I will stabilise soon.

Glad to read (a few posts ago) that you increased from 100 - 200 more gradually than in just a week. I know everyone is different, but I have always had to increase dosages slowly - even moreso than what might be recommended - in order to minimize side effects. I always cringe when a doctor tells someone to increase faster; that they "can handle it".
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