May Challenge

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Super Mom
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Okay peoples - We are all movin and groovin to get healthier.
My personal May goal is to walk minimum of four days a week.

My first notch on the post is 4 miles today.

Let's keep this health watch in the forefront and see if it doesn't have some effect on your seizure control. So place your challenge for this month. It can be more of the same, or it can be something new, added to last months challenge.

Remember baby steps, just no whining or complaining. That never helped anything.
Let's see....My family is moving into a house that's just minutes walk/bike ride away from the grocery store, pharmacy, and my May challenge is to bike ride at least 3 times a week. (Which, considering that I'm somewhat scared of bike riding, will be quite something....) Don't worry, already have a helmet. :)
I am considering bike riding too as this is my husbands hobby these days. But for this month it will be walking. Don't forget to always have some sort of ID on you if you go biking. Just in case....
:mrt:Ok Robin, your on...I will get back on track! I was walking every morning for a while but then laid off because of 'new activity'. Till I can read these new events I think I will do something else like maybe the pilates ball....but I will do something:woot:
Ok, I'm in. I will try to get at least 30 min of cardio 4 days per week. Currently, I have only averaged about twice a week, try as I may, but maybe with encouragement and support, I'll do better.

I have been (not very successfully) trying to become a runner for a while now. My husband runs, and my son ran cross country for several years (last year he had to sit out because of a persistent intestinal infection), so I wanted to be able to run at least a 5K. I can run/walk for the whole 3+ miles, but it takes me almost 45 min - not too good. I blame it on my short legs. I'd like to be able to run the whole way, and improve my time.

I think one big barrier for me is that if I want to go running, I either have to drive to a park about 15 min away, or run up and down my gravel lane which is VERY hilly and difficult. Or there's always the treadmill, which I HATE HATE HATE.

Sorry, Robin, this is starting to sound like whining. I think I just get my shoes on and go to the park. See ya!

Oh, and some advice for anyone starting a running program---good shoes are VITAL! Go to a running store and get fitted for some really good shoes. They made all the difference for me.
So where did you decide to walk Lynn?

I walked three miles too. I didn't watch the clock, but I walked to music (Maroon 5 was my choice this morning Spencer). There you go... we need some downloadable walking playlists. Get to work my friend.

I choose to walk at a local park. There is a wonderful paved road around the perimeter of the property. Lots of trees and pretty views across the grounds. When the Indians lived here it was a lake.
I ended up going to the small community park that's about a 15 min drive to my house. There's a small lake with a paved track around it that's a little over a mile long, so you have to go around several times. It seems to be where lots of walkers and joggers go. I hate that I have to drive to it, but it's one of the few places around here that is safe from traffic and not so dang hilly.

A walking playlist would be great, wouldn't it! My iPod has made a big difference to me in my efforts to exercise. Sometimes I download podcasts to listen to. My favorties are NPR's All Songs Considered, and This American Life. You can get them off of iTunes or NPR's website.

I'm going to try to walk today, but it might be tough. I am getting ready to go out of town this weekend. If I do, I'll probably just walk our lane. We have a farm that is bordered by a gravel lane about 1/2 mile long, and it is very pretty this time of year, but gets dull walking up and down, up and down. Once while I was walking, though, I saw a BALD EAGLE flying overhead! Pretty exciting!
My mother -in-law said she'll go on bike rides with me, as she needs to lose some wieght. :) She said she'll go bike riding with me twice a week. Kinda cool to have someone to ride with. :)
I ended up going to the small community park that's about a 15 min drive to my house. There's a small lake with a paved track around it that's a little over a mile long, so you have to go around several times. It seems to be where lots of walkers and joggers go. I hate that I have to drive to it, but it's one of the few places around here that is safe from traffic and not so dang hilly.

I drive to my park too. I also drive to the grocery store. This is my treat, and I feel better when I do it. I deserve it.

We have a farm that is bordered by a gravel lane about 1/2 mile long, and it is very pretty this time of year, but gets dull walking up and down, up and down. Once while I was walking, though, I saw a BALD EAGLE flying overhead! Pretty exciting!

This sounds lovely. I find when I am in places that are familiar, I can zone out better, and release more of the scattered voices in my head.

I want to see a Bald Eagle! I saw a squirrel today...
My mother -in-law said she'll go on bike rides with me, as she needs to lose some wieght. :) She said she'll go bike riding with me twice a week. Kinda cool to have someone to ride with. :)
That is very cool. I have been bugging my son to go with me. Even told him I wouldn't talk and he could play his music. No takers...

I think for now, it is best I walk alone. Gives me time to regroup in the AM.

I did three miles this morning. I rested for a few days, as the muscles were screaming a bit too loud.
I saw a BALD EAGLE flying overhead! Pretty exciting!

I want to see a Bald Eagle! I saw a squirrel today...

I'm not 100% sure it was a bald eagle, but I don't know what else it could have been. It had a white, white head and tail, and a black body. It was bigger than the red-tailed hawks, which are plentiful here, and was definitely a bird of prey. It was making a bee-line toward the Ohio river, which is about 15 miles north of here. Baldies are known to occasionally nest along the river in our county, so it's certainly possible. I'm always surprised at the variety of wildlife I see around here, so I'm not discounting the possibility.

Strangely, I saw it on the same day as a rare and unusual visit to our small town from former president Bill Clinton, who was campaigning for his wife. Two American icons I never expected to see here - Could there be some sort of cosmic connection????
Come on, people, join our challenge!

So, is it going to be just the four of us? There are so many benefits from just 30 minutes of moderate exercise 3-4 days per week, including increased energy level, overall health improvement, and mood improvement.

Walking is one of the easiest ways to get started. Just put on some comfortable shoes, go out your door, walk for 15 minutes, turn around and walk back home. Everyone has 30 minutes to spare.

If you want to start a running program, has a really great program for beginners, called "Couch to 5K" it is a 9 week program for people who have never run before. You can modify it to your own level of progression by repeating weeks as many times as you need to.

If you already exercise regularly, maybe you can just make a pledge to continue through May. Let us know how you keep fit! Let's hear from more of you! Robin started this great challenge, and it has already helped me to be more committed to an exercise regime.
Today is yucky and rainy. It's hard to get motivated to do anything but nap. Mmmmmm...cooouch.
Been busy unpacking this week, so no bike riding. :( But I spent at least 2-3 hours everyday working up a sweat lifting boxes and furniture, so can that count instead??
I understand that one skillefer.

This week has been off for me due to people that made appointments with me and then didn't show up,. GRRRRRR!
I know I should make my time a priority and then schedule around it. None of them need to know what I am doing.

I will work on this. Me Time
I was there once, and I have never been anywhere hotter.
Would have liked to have enjoyed The River Walk, but it was truly miserable.
It stays extremely hot even at night. It doesn't cool down here until about 10pm. The only good thing here is a person can wear wear shorts year round outside. It never gets cold here. If you don't mind the heat it's a good place to stay. The River Walk is great.
Well, it's the end of May

How did everyone do with this month's challange? I did really awful. :( Things got really busy with kid's school related activities, daughter's dance competitions, studying for CPA exam, and a million other excuses. Now that all of that is over, though, I'm really going to try to get back to my exercise routine. I went for a jog on Wednesday for the first time in a few weeks and it felt really good. I also have some heavy duty garden projects in store for the summer, so that will be good exercise as well.

Robin, have you got any ideas for a June challenge?
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