need "UP" music

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seizingbeauty said:
Shelley, Cinnabar, Thanks A Bunch!

You're very welcome! But I dug finding them for you. I've been watching Cindy in Paris over again. So in a way I should be thanking you! What would we do without music!
Link below for the few who have yet to see this OK Go music video:

I have to say each post is its own version of un expected! Evrytime I open this thread its like a little suprise present!:clap: Ismile everytime Thanks all hope to keep it going with this
seizingbeauty, there will be more to come. I think as theraputic for us as for you!

Nakamova said:
Link below for the few who have yet to see this OK Go music video:
I've seen this vid before and just loved it!
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This is pretty sweet, a nice version of The Cure's "Pictures of You":

Being in Montreal, you may especially enjoy this Flight of the Conchords song:

My favourite Flight of the Conchords song would not make it past the censors :lol:
Cinnabar your timing is beyond perfect THANK YOU!
Talk about a down day, I've been losing weight due to the new meds and none of my pants fit. So my BF went out and got me a new pair of jeans to make me feel better. Problem is they're 2 sizes smaller than my old ones and they are still to big. The "nice" women I work with decided to point out how awful they look on me. We are not rich and my guy scarificed his lunch money to try and make me feel better and all they can do is put me down. This all sounds so petty
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Seizingbeauty said:
We are not rich and my guy scarificed his lunch money to try and make me feel better and all they can do is put me down. This all sounds so petty
It's not petty. Don't let those new jeans bring you down or insensitive people. Look at those jeans as a tribute of love from your boyfriend. You'll fit into them eventually. Keep them in sight in your bedroom as an insentive to gain weight so you can fit into them.

And speaking of weight loss and jeans. Last year I got down to 90pds due to medication. I hate the idea of size 0
for women. It's like we're disappearing but I had no choice last year but to by a size 0 pair of jeans because that was all that would fit me. Now, I've gained a bit more weight and wear a size 5. What a great guy. I think you're both lucky to have found each other!
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No -- but I love that song too. Mutha'uckas is the one I was talking about. The best part of it is that partner sent it to his mother who is a bank manager :lol:
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