need "UP" music

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No -- but I love that song too. Mutha'uckas is the one I was talking about. The best part of it is that partner sent it to his mother who is a bank manager :lol:

hahahaha! That is awesome!!! Kind of reminds me of the old retail thing of what you are really saying in retail when you give a great BIG smile and call people "sir" or "ma'am" teehee
So I've added a new song to my UP music list

After the last 2 weeks I can't help but smile everytime I hear it!
that song give me chills!
I am even viewing it now at work without the sound and I still have the chills. I love it. truly inspiring. Although i did not like her ending song *which is different* at the closing ceremony.
I went so nuts yesterday, I'm having trouble talking today at work! At the end of the 3rd my down stairs neighbour came to see if I was okay. She thought some thing horrible had happend LOL!
Okay so really fighting an up hill battle today and road seems steep! Anyone got anything to help keep the motor running? PLEASE!!!!
This one is a completely tongue-in-cheek one by this artist, but it always makes me laugh when I need a chuckle on a bad day:

Good morning Seizing Beauty -
I hope today is a better day for you and I promise this will not only make you smile, it'll make you dance. If you watch it, make sure to go to end. -marion

This is hilarious!

This poor band *particulally the lead singer* had their guitar broken and it took them a whole year with united for them to say no. 2 days after tehy released this video, United called and said to remove it, they said no. Taylor guitars called him and offered 2 new guitars

I remember that song! It was all over the news when it happened - I laughed so hard at United *snicker* Won't fly them anymore, either.
This is more an "up" video than an "up" song, but I can't stop laughing. Little story behind it: my niece is...I'm not exactly sure what she's doing, to be honest (she's 18, 'nuff said), but she's on a raod trip somewhere with friends and made some comment about her male friend singing this song and so now all of us have had this bloody song stuck in our heads for days with the mental picture of an 18 year old boy siging it at the top of his lungs.

Since none of us could get rid of the mental image, I, of course, had to go youtube the worst and funniest possible version of the song:


Happy, happy, happy! You can't listen to Zydeco and not be glad. It's also great for drumming up energy. I clean house to it. Here's some to try:

Today went from a 7 1/2 to a 2 real quick! If anyone feels like tossing something new on the pile it would be appriciated!!!!!
Talk about a weird trip down memory lane. After grinning my way through "walking on Sunshine" I started looking up other 80's songs. Locomotion, Saftey Dance, Man Down Under, 99 Luft Balloons and of course Glam Rock. Smiles and a couple of giggles on the way.
Whats everyones fav's?
Still trying to figure mine out
Holy moly, did you ever bring up memories with the songs you named. Here's one I remember very well from that era:

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