The good/bad/UGLY of Lamotrigine

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When I was taking Lamictal and Briviact at low dose didn't get anywhere with either of them so they got changed to something else. Medication and I don't get along, literally.
I often joke about wondering how long it will be before my brain/seizures become "immune" to a new dose or a new AED, allowing the complex partials to start again.
I often joke about wondering how long it will be before my brain/seizures become "immune" to a new dose or a new AED, allowing the complex partials to start again.
I feel the same exact way as you. There has been double digits on some of these medications for time length which does raise the exact question as you mention. *sigh* I have gotten very tired both mentally and physically changing medication as it just becomes old after awhile. Fully agree with you 100% Sabbo. (y)
I'd often joke with lab techs (when on AEDs requiring monthly monitoring) that they should just stick a cork in my arm to make obtaining blood easier. I truly no longer feel needles going into my right arm's vein. For me, switching AEDs/ trying new doses have become so common that I often say I feel like a lab rat or guinea pig.
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