The whole realm in perspective from A to Z.
Actually revert the whole issue:
You should have your chemistry & hematology (aka blood
work or lab work-up) performed by your Doctor - and then
monitored to determined the evaluation. Unless you have
a birth defect, DNA, Genetic, Genome, Mitochondrial, so on
which either robs you or you are deprived of such.
An extensive chemistry & hematology - a lab work-up where
this type is very time consuming and expensive, but is very
detailed and right down to the core; will get to the bottom
line of everything and will pinpoint the entire issue of where
your chemistry & hematology make-up is.
I know I've posted this on several threads, but I'll make it
brief here, due to adoption with a lax background, I've had
everything done, until the final phase of the expensive lab
work-up where it got down to the bottom line - and in my
case, I didn't have any vitamin B-9 at all, and that explained
why the frustrations of trying to get my iron levels to be in
compliant (B-9 & Iron work together); but there were lots of
other things found in there on just about every single page
where basically I'm one big mess, to be plain and simple.
The Commentary - Nothing but my own viewpoint:
Then this brings forth the other issue:
You will ALWAYS have someone who overdoes something.
PERIOD. Vitamin Freaks, Health Food Nuts, Junk Food Pigs,
Alcohol-3-Times-A-Day'ers, Chain Smokers, and the list goes
on and on and on.
NOW - this brings forth a bewildering and mind-boggling
and head-banging complexion: Half of the people are healthy
as a horse while the other half are sickly as a ....(insert your
imagine here)....!
You've got a nearly 100 year old resident in a Nursing Home
who eats nothing but junk food, smokes 3 packs a day, and
has to have a martini 3 times a day - Noon, Dinner time, and
Night Cap ... and it's always been like that; and he/she is
healthy and happy as a lark! And on the flip-side of the coin,
you have another individual half the age, doing the same old
thing, and it's like ... beyond pathetic, leaving one with ...
I never fully understood these things, having had the golden
opportunity to meet both parties, knowing both of them have
worked very hard - their backgrounds - except one lived off
of lard, and all the other stuff (that today's society deems as
"bad stuff") and the other one is living off of what today's
society deems as "good stuff".
I had to really sit back and think - is Lard really bad as 'they
say it is'? From looking at all these 90 and 100 year olds, all
whom have grown up on all these stuff that had been deemed
has "bad for you". I've elected to live on the same stuff that
they've grown up with. Pass the pork fat, toss me over the eggs,
fork over all the stuff that they've deemed as "bad for you", for
the way I see it - in my family, all of them have lived to be old:
90-100 years old.
I changed the way I cooked and began to cook in the same
manner and style as they did, hence why the old recipes, old
utensils - not only does it taste good homemade from scratch;
we (my (ex)husband, son, and I) were doing pretty good. While
it didn't bring down the seizures, but we were healthy. We were
not fat at all, but stronger.
Collard Greens in REAL bacon fat / ham hocks
Chick Peas (Garbanzo) with REAL Andouille Sausage
Split Peas with left over Ham Bone with corn bread in cast iron
For example, all in a cast-iron dutch oven pot, cooked over the
stove (or in charcoal pit / fire, if I'm in the mood) - slowly just
the way they made it - would send the Diet Fads and Trend Nuts
While everyone else was mostly drinking diet something, not
us - good old southern tea (and if you must know, southern
tea is very heavy on REAL sugar, only I used a combo of sugar
and Sugar in the Raw - which has molasses in it).
Sure, we've had our sugar levels checked and as one can be
astonished, ours was fine! We were actually BELOW the sugar
level range!
In turn - over the years, I began to realize, after reading the labels,
so much artificial this, artificial that, chemical this, chemical that;
and it leaves me wondering - if these are the issues and problems
of people's own health decline? For they are not eating the REAL
THING - but fake stuff to make it taste like they are...
But this is just my humble post here - All in all from the whole
realm in perspective from A to Z. Do not take this post seriously
because I posted it; but merely it's just a commentary from my
own personal viewpoint and my own perspective and nothing
else for that matter.