Writing & talking that doesn't make sense when you look at it or talk to someone

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Have you ever like been writing a message to someone online or in a letter and when you go to look at it, it doesn't make any sense or have you been talking to someone and you find it doesn't make sense? Has this ever happened to you when you start going into a seizure?

Like when you become unaware of your surroundings in a seizure, have you ever been writing something or talking to someone and it won't make sense? Then it goes away as if nothing happened? I've heard that sometimes in a seizure people may say things that don't make sense but what about writing something down?
I always do this going into a seizure. I send my husband text messages that he can usually decipher, I know they are messed up but I can't figure out what's wrong.

The worst yet- I was clueless I was having a partial seizure yesterday(it lasted about 16 hrs fr what we can tell). I thought it was just after affects from tc the day before until I started dropping things and falling. I emailed my bosses (I work from home due to health issues right now) to let them know I would be offline a couple days at minimum. I sent the entire email in the subject line, wrote everything in totally unreadable words. Today I thought odd I hadn't heard back and checked to see if it sent. I am still so embarrassed and humiliated. I pride myself on my intelligence and communication- I did everything to throw it in the trash. I tried to explain in a follow-up email today but? I cannot imagine what they are thinking other than thank God she isn't working.

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Ive done this too, it hasn't happened in awhile but like I'll be writing an e mail and when I'm done, I'll look at it and it won't make sense at all. I'm thinking one thing in my head, knowing what I want to say but it comes out wrong or jumbled or won't make sense. And when I go to read it out loud, it really says how little it makes sense.

And no matter how many times I try to make it make sense, it still won't until it's as if "Oh, this is what I want to say" as if I am rewriting it like I mispelled a word but it's more like now what I want to say is coming out right like it was some sort of dream. It'll make sense in my head but it comes out nonsense on paper or in an email.

And sometimes when I go to say something, I'll say it wrong cause I'm saying it one way in my head but it comes out different when I speak it. As if struggling with the words and all last only a few seconds, then its as if it never happened like the time I was at Walmart and everything become muffled.
Since my seizures aren't controlled it happens a lot for me. I text as much as possible because at least I sometimes check those babbles or errors and can make changes. I find I get very frustrated communicating with some friends and family members who are constantly telling me I don't make sense. What? What does that mean? I don't understand you anymore. Also, in person or on the phone, apparently my volume is either too loud or too quiet. It never seems to be right. In addition, before and after seizures I slur my speech.

I have disconnected with a sister and a few friends that are downright mean about all of the above. I cried too many times and they have never tried to understand or care no matter what. Added stress that just aggravates the issue.

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That sucks, sometimes people who do things like that, do it cause they don't understand or are scared but they can at least ask questions and try to understand.

Im not sure if my speech is ever slurred but it sounds babbled, not sure that's the right word, incoherent & sometimes people who talk to me sound incoherent but I know I'm not hearing it right, that happen to you too?

Im still trying to understand what has happened myself & doing what research I can to find out other experiences and symptoms. Every website I go to seem to have different information & it's not always easy to figure out what's the most accurate.

That time in Walmart when I wasn't aware of my surroundings, I did feel as if my speech was affected, had a hard time speaking for a bit and I was afraid to, afraid it would sound dumb.
Ironic that this was posted, because I just came across something on my computer that is kind of related.

A couple nights ago, I had a really bad night of simple-partials which had me really disoriented, and I thought I was typing a thread on here, but it turns out I was typing it out on Wordpad on my laptop and when I thought I posted the thread I actually hit the save button...

It was garbled, had no punctuation, no capital letters, and randomly switched between English and German with no warning. In the middle of it, I started talking about Alice in Wonderland and how Alice should bring me coffee....

So yeah... I've written/said things that make no sense during seizures. :?
Gotta admit though, I had myself a good laugh when I read it over :D
This happens to me a lot. But in speech more. I can't talk fast or find the words. Sometimes I feel like I'm in a slow more movie during it. I didn't realize this as much until I read this post.
This used to often happen to me when I had an aura or complex partial seizure. I have had seizures while talking to people & I would say something which made no sense. Usually I would think of what to say in my head but it wouldn't come out that way when I said it. I have also written emails or instant messages to people while having a seizure & when I've read back on the messages I thought geez what the hell was I trying to say.

I remember about 6 years ago I was working at a computer place as a receptionist & had taken a phone call & had to email the message through to one of the computer techs with a CC to the boss. I am pretty sure the aura had started as I was taking the message because I was having trouble getting the persons phone number down right & I came out of the seizure after I sent the email. A little while after I had the seizure I realised the email may have not made sense so I checked the email I'd sent & sure enough it made no sense. I later let my boss know that I had taken a seizure when I took the message which is why it made no sense lol.
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When things like this happen to me, it sounds right in my head but when I put it on paper it's like some other language. I read it out loud and it sounds even worse. Or sometimes even I'll type something and although it might be right, it doesn't make sense to me & sometimes when people talk to me, I don't always understand them & I know they don't always understand me and look at me weird.
Ironic that this was posted, because I just came across something on my computer that is kind of related.

A couple nights ago, I had a really bad night of simple-partials which had me really disoriented, and I thought I was typing a thread on here, but it turns out I was typing it out on Wordpad on my laptop and when I thought I posted the thread I actually hit the save button...

It was garbled, had no punctuation, no capital letters, and randomly switched between English and German with no warning. In the middle of it, I started talking about Alice in Wonderland and how Alice should bring me coffee....

So yeah... I've written/said things that make no sense during seizures. :?
Gotta admit though, I had myself a good laugh when I read it over :D

That. Is. Awesome.
I especially love how you switched between two different languages lol
That. Is. Awesome.
I especially love how you switched between two different languages lol
Here's what I wrote, if you're curious:

nights like tonight make me wonder to myself whether or not i am developing schizophrenia or psychosiz
i've been doing really good lately almost completely seizure free and then out of nowhere it's like alice im märchenland decided to kick in the door to my brain and hang out for a while alice should have brought me a cup of coffee it would have been more höflich
does anyone else have visual hallucinations during partials? mine are normally deja vu and other feelings or communication problems or sensations like smells or sounds but almost i never get visual elements all
things are really distorteded for like 20 seconds then snap back into place when it is done dies ist passiert alle drei minuten für die letzten vier stunden ich bin sehr orientierungslos :(
i'm just having a schlimm night guess it was bound to happen sooner or later
i should probably go to bed and sleep this off if i can
Märchenland = Wonderland
Höflich = Polite
"dies ist passiert alle drei minuten für die letzten vier stunden ich bin sehr orientierungslos" = "This is happening every three minutes for the last four hours I'm very disoriented" (I'm not very fluent in German so it's probably incorrect and garbled.)
Schlimm = Bad
That is fantastic! I am jealous of that talent. Normally mine happen when I am talking to someone. It all sounds fine in my head, but then I get that "look" from whom ever I am talking to. That is the dead give away that whatever I said was totally wrong :) I will have to remember that word "Schlimm". I will use next time I have to call in to tell my boss I can't make it in because I have had a schlimm night.
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