Hi All,
I am new here. My husband is a truck driver and has had a few funny turns over the last few years, bouts of dizziness, tunnel vision, sweating, general feeling of fear not able to get his head together. I have always thought it was a panic attack because my husband suffers with anxiety...
Hi everyone,
I am 61 years old, pretty active with a rather stressful job.
After a few strange events a month ago ( getting amazingly sleepy driving to work, confused, couldn't find words, almost passed out and lost some mobility) i was thoroughly tested and was diagnosed with complex...
Over the last 2 weeks my complex-partial seizures have increased significantly in frequency. I am currently taking Tegretol and my G.P has increased my dose to try and control it but he wants to closely monitor the seizures.
I always get side effects for a 1-2 weeks after increasing Tegretol...
I was diagnosed with epilepsy a year and a half ago and have complex partial seizures and tonic-clonic seizures. Since my medication was changed in February 2013 to Tegretol I have only had one tonic-clonic seizure (previously was having them every 4-6 weeks) and the frequency of the...
I've been having breakthrough seizures (since the 9th) and can't get an appointment until the 29th of this month. I was inpatient and the neuro upped my Carbatrol to 800mg from 400mg a day but it's not making a difference. I'm not sure what to do, as I'm having around 3 seizures a day. I just...
Has anyone ever smelled burning things or rotting things as part of their aura before a seizure? I keep having these before CP seizures and they're rather unpleasant :huh: Just wanted to know if I was alone in this....
Hi Everyone
My partner suggested blogs and forums as a great way to find other people in my situation.
I'm mid 20's just been diagnosed and had my life turned upside down.
I have TLE. No Grand-Mal yet. Just Complex Partial so far. I'm getting to grips with the lingo. my partner and I have...
Hey fellow brains, what's up?
I've been wondering about something for a while now, and I was just wanting some opinions and experiences. The brain is obviously so powerful and mysterious, even the most highly revered neuro scientists in the world will admit that they generally have absolutely...
I am the daughter of a mother who was recently diagnosed with epilepsy (complex-partial onset) in October 2008 after 2 known seizures and an EEG done my neurologist where they could see the seizures. My mother has been superwoman her whole life and devoted the past 23 years to being and...
This vote and comments section applies to those
who suffers from Complex Partial Seizures.
Here are some partial quotes:
Feel free...
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