[LGIT, MA, GARD] Guacamole

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I live in Texas and cannot stand guacamole made with sour cream or other fillers. This is how guacamole should be made:

  • 1 to 2 Hass Avacados (if you can't find ripe Hass Avacados - don't bother making guacamole - other kinds of avacados don't have the same fat content and buttery flavor/texture)
  • 1 or 2 medium size Roma tomatoes (diced)
  • 1/4 - 1/2 medium chopped onion (I prefer 1015s or yellow onions)
  • 1-2 cloves garlic (use more if you are a fan of the stinking rose)
  • salt
  • cayenne pepper or "mexican spice" blend
  • 1 medium lemon or lime
  1. Cut avacados in half and remove pit
  2. Scoop avacado pulp out of the shell and into a bowl with a spoon
  3. Use a very sharp knife to make slicing cuts through the avacado. If the avacados are ripe, there should be practically no resistance to the knife and you can slice quickly just moving the wrist
  4. Mash avacado pulp with spoon into a flat surface within the bowl
  5. Add chopped garlic, tomato and onion
  6. Sprinkle salt and cayenne/mexican blend spices to taste
  7. Squeeze lemon/lime juice into bowl. It's best to add just half the citrus first - too much can overpower a guacamole - you can always add more later
  8. Mix/stir thoroughly
  9. Taste test. If too much lemon, add more salt (and vice versa)
  10. You can cover the guacamole with saran wrap and chill if you aren't going to eat it right away (some claim that putting the avacado pits in the mix help keep it from oxidizing - I'm on the fence about that)

This dish might be appropriate for the ketogenic diet, but I'm not sure.
lol I'm not from texas, but this is how they make it in Canada. sometimes you get the people that think its okay to put mayo in it. That, personally is blasphemy! lol
This is the way I make it too, except I throw in a handful of freshly chopped cilantro.
Can't understand

why anybody would want to ruin guacamole with sour cream or mayo.
I'm just getting over it being ok to squash the heck out of avocados to begin with to use as a dip.
I do use it as an avocado spread for a sandwich, but that's it. No spice.
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