Medic Alert Bracelets - Do you wear one?

Do you wear a medical alert bracelet with information about your epilepsy/meds?

  • Yes

    Votes: 173 44.6%
  • No

    Votes: 184 47.4%
  • I've never thought about that!

    Votes: 31 8.0%

  • Total voters

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I use to when my szs weren't controlled. But than I moved to Portland Or . and I never got my bracelet updated . Lazy!!!!! I am guilty of that!!!!

No, I never have. It has never really occurred to me. My neuros have never mentioned it to me.
Actually I wear mine on my ankle
(no relation to Steve Urkel or Mork (from Mork and
Mindy) :D) since my Old Neuro requested that I
wear one due to my deafness.

Originally had 10k Gold that simply stated Deaf
& Epilepsy on it that was a bracelet. But someone
stole it (whether in Ambulance or Hospital - that
I do not know). Then it was suggested I wear a
Dog Tag style (DO I LOOK LIKE A DOG?) - so I have
this man's style bracelet that I wear on my right
ankle, and it's been there since. I remove it though
when I go in to the Hospital - like vEEG, or ER, or
something, but other than that - it stays on me,
and good thing about it, I can always "hide" it if
I wanted to - lol.
med. braclets

I used to wear one then I got sick of people not looking for one. Then when/if an EMT found the bracelet he would still require me to go to the hospital.
I actually wear a medical ID chain, and have a bracelet. I'm not to fond of the bracelet. My chain looks like a dogtag. It has my first name, DOB, and EMS star on the front. My medical conditions, med. info., and emergency contacts are on the back.

You can get a nice looking medical ID chain or bracelet here:
I have a kid's I.D. tag on my tennis shoe, and one on my backpack. I have one of these almost always with me. I also carry a waterproof pill bottle / key chain, with a lable on it in my purse. I think if anyone has a problem, they'll notice my ID's.

I like the dog tag idea, and have thought of it, but never followed through.
Hi all
i said yes to this one becouse i am planning on getting for for my E and for my oter condion me and my friend going to go up there togger becouse she live neal there.
I have the medic alert bracelet. I don't always wear it when I'm at home though because it annoys me when I'm on the computer but it's always nearby. I usualy remember to put it back on when I go out lol.
I wore one for 10 years but it kept getting caught in my pants pockets and intefeering with my computer work or most things I did using my hands, plus people were always staring at it and thinking that I was some kind of sicko.

It doesn't have to be ugly.

The thought of wearing your generic drug store bracelet just didn't do it for me. After a little research, I found Lauren's Hope. Check it out. You can personalize your bracelet any way you wish and part of the proceeds benefit juvenile diabetes!! Be safe & stylish!!!!! is ok, but doesn't have much of a selection. I believe everyone would be better off with

They even have " Online Medical Registry " free with your purchase.
I really should...I've meant to...I'm just too forgetful....I will....what was I going to do?.......something like that.

Seriously though, my wife and I were just discussing this...I'm getting one soon, she's helping me remember this time!:horse:
Yes I bought one for my daughter from an online source I found, and hers is purple leather. I have heard that teens are constantly questioned as to whether or not they have recently taken illegal drugs, so I wanted her to have this ID. I don't believe it has been looked at by any EMS responders.
Another use for the Med ID that might spark users?

Haven't researched...sorry. but my wife and I were talking about this and thought this was a cool idea for persons with E who 1)really SHOULD be wearing a bracelet and 2)are tired of potential hassles when traveling with AED's.
What if there was a registry of some sort(again maybe there is and I'm behind the curve here, sorry!) where you and your doctor could set you up with a legitimate number that corresponded to a number on your Med bracelet so if you were unable to respond the persons helping you could get more detailed info from the up-to-date registry. Also, let's say you're at the airport and security personnel is having to work extra hard that day. they are told to check EVERYRTHING out. My point for this is that A LEGITIMATE REGISTRY AND POSITIVE ID could save you from having to wait for them to locate and personally speak to your doctor! Just one example.
It's kind of like the 'chip' for my cat, but just a number on a bracelet. Anything like this exist yet? I'd do it in a heart beat. I have a buddy who's a detective and he has warned me repeatedly about traveling with my AED's because of this very reason.
Finally, we thought multiple benefits might inspire more wearers in the end?!?
Just trying to kill three birds with one bracelet here:)
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In Florida; if you drive, and the
Doctor orders you to wear a Medic
Alert ID bracelet ~ it's noted on

You can be in trouble if you're
caught not wearing it!

But the complaints from people are
very high or sensitive about wearing
them ... embarrased!


However, the LAW does not STATE
WHERE we had to wear it!


So like I posted below - I wear mine on
the right ankle ~ and more and more
people are doing just that and Medics
DO check now on the ankles if you don't
have Dog Tags, Bracelet, they will check
your Ankle!

While I had been doing this for years, as
but more and more MEDICS are checking
Ankles and Wrists these days now in that
order, since no one really "looks" down

Sports-Aholics & Athletics wears them down
on their Ankles as there's no interference at
all in their sports, but they cannot cover it
up however, it has to be in view.

More parents are doing this likewise, having
their children wearing it down there as they
aren't being teased and taunted as it's not
even noticed they're wearing it by other kids
and plus .... they don't get broken or lost as
much which is a relief to many parents!

In the Hospital & ER Rooms - they like it better
down there as it's out of the way in the event
if they have to use IV, or other medical tests
so it doesn't have to get removed (and risk of
being lost).

It was my Physician who told me to wear it
all the time now on my ankle since I was
driving and it was the Florida Law.
My son wears dog tags with the info on them and he also carries a med alert card in his wallet. At college all of his teachers are aware as he signed a paper giving permission to let his teachers know. The only thing they will do is call 911.
My son wears dog tags with the info on them and he also carries a med alert card in his wallet. At college all of his teachers are aware as he signed a paper giving permission to let his teachers know. The only thing they will do is call 911.

You can get a note from the neurologist that inform the instructors what needs to be done in case it happens in class. Ours states that 911 does not need to be called unless the seizure is over 5 min.

Problem is... ER does nothing, except tests and sends you packing.

I like the dog tag idea though

Our EMT's have NEVER looked at her bracelet, though I make sure she wears it daily. Those that care about her know it is there, with my phone number readily accessible.
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