Read this and tell me if you agree, Thanks.

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I was snooping around on the net and found this on a youtube videos description, please tell me if you think these tips are accurate. Thank you.

here are some tips on reducing seizures:

here is what we tell everyone (but do your own research first, cross reference, ask around, talk to your doctor about this....) but this has been our experience.....

no alcohol
or sugar
or white bread
or gluten
or salt
NO EGGS!!!! for god's sake!

or dairy of any kind
or artificial sweeteners
no carbonation
no red meat (beef, venison, etc)
NO bottled water
no processed foods
no energy drinks!
no caffeine
no tobacco

when I mean no, i mean none at all. Not a little or cutting back - I mean none.

at all.

40% of your diet should be fibre

lots of:
organic rice and legumes and fruits and veggies and filtered water and organic juices organic chicken and fish. Seaweed is also a good source of protein. lentils, etc

avoid dehydration and constipation
avoid flashing things like TV stores and MTV and video games and so on. even the sunlight through trees while travelling in a vehicle can set them off if the flicker is just right

fluorescent tube lights in malls and libraries and doctor's offices can cause problems too,

avoid pharmaceuticals of all kinds if you can. once you get clean of gross foods and pharmaceuticals, you might not be having seizures often enough to need pharmaceuticals.

stop wearing underarm deodorant!!!! most of them have propylene glycol in them. get some healthy stuff from the health food store. ask them lost of questions about herbal remedies and non-toxic stuff.

do yoga
lead a slow, retired-person lifestyle
but also, get enough exercise...... be in the best shape you can be, without overdoing it
move out of the city if you can, and stay out if you can. clean air, clean brain.

as for marijuana:

If you are under the age of 18-19, you should not be using cannabis because there is some science to suggest that it interferes with the development of the frontal lobe of the brain. Also, smoking is a dirty way to deliver it, and street pot is often contaminated with chemicals due to poor growing techniques.

cannabis is an anticonvulsant that will generally reduce the likelihood of seizures, but lifestyle (not challenging the organism so it is likely to seize) is far more important.

also, not just ANY pot will do. clean organic pot is the way to go. KNOW YOUR GROW. get some books and consult websites about ORGANIC cannabis.
My thoughts.......

I've seen this before & dismissed almost all of it.

I'd love to know why no eggs or bottled water. I have no problems with either.

I also feel it's dangerous for anyone to tell people to suddenly avoid pharmaceuticals if someone is taking AEDs. Some people can overcome their seizures by changing their living habits (go Rebecca) & I think it should be a goal for us all but I know I myself would have severe and numerous T/C's without my tegretol & ativan without finding what habit(s) could stop (or help control) my E first. First he says to avoid pharmaceuticals, then he says you might not have enough seizures to need pharmaceuticals. Which is it & who decides what is enough seizures to need pharmaceuticals? Personally I think that's up to the individual.

Also, the way it's written implies that these blanket suggestions apply to all people with E & as we know everyone is different. I've tried some of the things he suggests & they have actually worsened my seizures. It does say at the beginning that it's their experience but it's written in a way that seems to assume that what's good for them is good for everyone, he even says "your diet" halfway through.

Some of the suggestions might be helpful yoga, lead a slow paced life or move to the country, but a lot of them are not necessarily realistic.
I ask for your opinion because i personally do the exact opposite and if i smoke weed then i feel more prone to having seizures.
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i ask for your opinion because i personally do the 100 percent opposite and if i smoke weed then i feel more prone to having seizures.

When I was much younger & smoked that stuff I found that I never had a seizure when I was high but I was guaranteed to have a stronger-than-normal seizure when I came down or the next day.

It's my assumption that because it does have anticonvulsant properties that slowed the firing of my neurons, it temporarily prevented seizures but afterwards a neuron would be more likely to misfire when re-adjusting back to normal firing speed.
This was also in the description, i guess it was made to be educational.

Medical Marijuana License Holder, illustrator and co-author of Mommy's Funny Medicine has an epileptic seizure. Very graphic, very informative.
This is not for fun, it is for education.
Rude comments will be left on, to show people the kind of abuse we are often subjected to.
another version of this footage, without text, can be found at

This is the youtube video i received the info from.<obj...e" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
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Joey - I would agree with everything up until the MJ discussion
I think the diet is actually pretty good. The reason that they suggest removing the eggs is that many people are extremely allergic to eggs and don't even know it. It is certainly easy enough to remove them for 3-6 months and see.
The bottled water is debatable. Chemicals from the plastic have been found. In fact, Rebecca has antimony in her system. I studied this for quite a while, and the only place that I could even consider that she get it from, is bottled water. There was a study done in Europe that showed over time that antimony builds up in the water. The only place they could figure it came from, as the water was pure when bottled, was from the plastic.
So I don't find fault with this list, except for the illegal drugs. I don't believe they are necessary, if you are working to take care of yourself in every other way. Relaxation techniques are far better to follow than taking drugs.
Joey - I would agree with everything up until the MJ discussion
I think the diet is actually pretty good. The reason that they suggest removing the eggs is that many people are extremely allergic to eggs and don't even know it. It is certainly easy enough to remove them for 3-6 months and see.
The bottled water is debatable. Chemicals from the plastic have been found. In fact, Rebecca has antimony in her system. I studied this for quite a while, and the only place that I could even consider that she get it from, is bottled water. There was a study done in Europe that showed over time that antimony builds up in the water. The only place they could figure it came from, as the water was pure when bottled, was from the plastic.
So I don't find fault with this list, except for the illegal drugs. I don't believe they are necessary, if you are working to take care of yourself in every other way. Relaxation techniques are far better to follow than taking drugs.

Marijuana has not been a good anti seizure substance for me. But then again when i smoked it i did it to get high not help myself. It was fun at the time. I just dont feel the same high from it any more so i dont smoke it. Even if did help me from having a seizure i would still be paranoid from smoking the dope that i would think i was going to have one anyway.
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I was snooping around on the net and found this on a youtube videos description, please tell me if you think these tips are accurate. Thank you.

here are some tips on reducing seizures:

here is what we tell everyone (but do your own research first, cross reference, ask around, talk to your doctor about this....) but this has been our experience.....

no alcohol
or sugar
or white bread
or gluten
or salt
NO EGGS!!!! for god's sake!

or dairy of any kind
or artificial sweeteners
no carbonation
no red meat (beef, venison, etc)
NO bottled water
no processed foods
no energy drinks!
no caffeine
no tobacco

when I mean no, i mean none at all. Not a little or cutting back - I mean none.

at all.

40% of your diet should be fibre

lots of:
organic rice and legumes and fruits and veggies and filtered water and organic juices organic chicken and fish. Seaweed is also a good source of protein. lentils, etc

avoid dehydration and constipation
avoid flashing things like TV stores and MTV and video games and so on. even the sunlight through trees while travelling in a vehicle can set them off if the flicker is just right

fluorescent tube lights in malls and libraries and doctor's offices can cause problems too,

avoid pharmaceuticals of all kinds if you can. once you get clean of gross foods and pharmaceuticals, you might not be having seizures often enough to need pharmaceuticals.

stop wearing underarm deodorant!!!! most of them have propylene glycol in them. get some healthy stuff from the health food store. ask them lost of questions about herbal remedies and non-toxic stuff.

do yoga
lead a slow, retired-person lifestyle
but also, get enough exercise...... be in the best shape you can be, without overdoing it
move out of the city if you can, and stay out if you can. clean air, clean brain.

as for marijuana:

If you are under the age of 18-19, you should not be using cannabis because there is some science to suggest that it interferes with the development of the frontal lobe of the brain. Also, smoking is a dirty way to deliver it, and street pot is often contaminated with chemicals due to poor growing techniques.

cannabis is an anticonvulsant that will generally reduce the likelihood of seizures, but lifestyle (not challenging the organism so it is likely to seize) is far more important.

also, not just ANY pot will do. clean organic pot is the way to go. KNOW YOUR GROW. get some books and consult websites about ORGANIC cannabis.
I disagree I stay away from flashing lights and I exercise don't smoke smoke take my meds like clock work my seizures increased like crazy.There are a lot of ppl tht just aren't going
be controlled worth a flip know matter what they do.
I disagree I stay away from flashing lights and I exercise don't smoke smoke take my meds like clock work my seizures increased like crazy.There are a lot of ppl tht just aren't going
be controlled worth a flip know matter what they do.

sounds like me
I challenge you to write down for a week your nutritional intake. Then see if there is something that can possibly be tweaked to improve your health.
Looks like I consume everything thats bad for me, I can't believe that bottled water is on the list, this is my main drink. I don't smoke at all, but I do wear deodorant, I don't want to go to work pongy.

I try to avoid bright lights if I can and I hate sunlight flashing between the trees, this really bugs the hell out of me.
I have seen postings of similar natures, and
what worked for them and others posting
otherwise. So it's a 50/50 coin flip on that
issue of "marijuana". It would be just the same
issue implied on anti-epileptic drugs, some
work for some and doesn't for others. Are
you following what I am implying here?
You can drive yourself nuts trying to gather
information for you would only hear one
end arguing it is so and the other end just
remarking totally the opposite.

Personally, it's like beating a dead horse,
this is the way I view it.

PS: Thanks for that video, because my son
saw it and just told me that is very close to
the way I seize (tonic clonic). Scary!
How would being high all the time be any different than the side effects of seizure meds. At least with meds I can drink coffee and not seem like as much of an idiot or have to go back to bed.I can't imagine going through life stoned all the time. I would like to find a better solution for the drowsiness. I don't like drinking caffeine as I also have a lot of false positives on my mammogram and should avoid caffeine, although it doesn't seem to be a trigger for me.I agree though diet is a big part of the solution.
i dont know what it feels like to be off meds, i could be high and not know it. when i first smoked weed it was because it felt cool and it realy did make me high and i liked it for a while. but when im hungry im hungry i have to eat im an addict when it comes to food! but oh well ill live.
I have

seen that video before.

As for the statements.............I agree with most of it. Diet DOES play a large part in our lives, especially with our E. I am on the GARD diet, and it DOES do a lot to help with my seizure control.......

I, too, drink coffee, but it is to control my ADHD, which obviously cannot be controlled by meds....trying to used meds would screw up my E meds. And I WILL NOT do that. I drink as little coffee/caffeine as possible, but still have to anyway. The ADHD comes from my mom....and my eldest son has it, too.

As for the MJ. Hmmm. Have to disagree with that one. For some, it's OK. But for the great majority, it's useless. I tried it once. Whoopee. Got not a thing from it.....and the stuff I tried was supposed to be the BEST stuff on the market. UH HUH. *EYEROLL* Whatever.

I was off meds once. For three months. When I didn't have a neuro. Worst three months of my life. First six days were GREAT. After that, I don't remember ANYTHING. Still. And that was fourteen years ago, almost fifteen. I will never do that again.


I have no idea what my t/c's look like. I have been told--and from the descriptions, they are past hairy. I don't EVER want to see a video of mine.

this is how we look when spy invades our space. Lost without a trace of memory. Thanks for the video "my pal Joey". The discourse that follows is most worthy. I'm happy to be amongst my PEOPLE. Maximum Love for Ya'll:e::e::e:
I'm not sure I agree with all of the youtube tips.

Some of us have problems with certain foods etc causing seizures, but others don't. I think it is different for everyone.

My only factors seem to be stress, lack of sleep, and excessive alcohol consumption. (only did that once, regretted it the next day...) A few beers every now and then has never caused problems for me.

For me even small amounts of stress can trigger one.
I'm not sure I agree with all of the youtube tips.

Some of us have problems with certain foods etc causing seizures, but others don't. I think it is different for everyone.

My only factors seem to be stress, lack of sleep, and excessive alcohol consumption. (only did that once, regretted it the next day...) A few beers every now and then has never caused problems for me.

For me even small amounts of stress can trigger one.

I agree with Chris, it looks like all epileptics are being painted with the same brush.
To me, other than what Chris has quoted, this list is all BS.
If we live by this list ~ we might as well be dead.

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