Stuff Epileptics Say : )

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I was recently in Florida with my family and had a seizure while taking a long walk with my son one morning and i fell to the sand beach! He knows that when I have these, its just a matter of seconds until I recover and there are no side effects, loss of memory, etc. Well, many onlookers were very concerned and were ready to call 911 and my son just said , "Just leave him laying there and started to walk away laughing", and said "you might to move him if he's still there when the tide comes in! I got up and we continued our walk and the folks just stood there staring at us.
when I have to use a cane or something supportive.
"I thought I would try to be Dr. House for a day."
F%&K,F%&k,F%&k Not again!!!,dont mean to be offensive,just honest.
- How many times have I posted this same question?

- Was I sweating or did I have a seizure and spill my soda all over me?

- Why are you calling me? (to a man on the phone)
Oh I gave you my phone number?
When, why and where did I do that - I'm mairred!
"You're going to have plenty of seizure experience when you take that EMT exam; hey, why don't I write you a letter of recommendation?"

"Stick around...I'm always doing weird stuff!"

"I'm just...postictal. Yeah, I know! It's a word I had to practice to remember after I'm done break-dancing."

*postictal and pitiful* "Please don't leave me?... (*a split second later, out of my mind*) Don't TOUCH me!!!!"

"I forgot to tell you. I have epilepsy. And I am really not feeling so ----" Seize.

"If you do that again I will find you and drool on you."

"Speaking of drool, I wouldn't mount each other on that couch. I've already got an intimate relationship with in we've exchanged fluids. They don't call it "Seizure Couch" to be's just a fact."

"Uh yes, you could say that I know, they're EMTs, paramedics. Why? Because they frequent my house. The other day I even made them cookies. Nothing says "awww sweet relationship" like wheeling gurneys, blood, and copious amounts of drool...and chocolate chips!"
F%&K,F%&k,F%&k Not again!!!,dont mean to be offensive,just honest.
Yep, I'm with ya on that buddy.

"Are you F%&KING kidding me? NO!! NO!! NO!! Am I okay?? F%&K THIS not another one OH MY GOD!! And then burst into tears.
How the hell did i get here???
"Was it raining that hard when I was outside or did I seize my way into a puddle?"
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No this is not a seizure! Just the side effects of the meds that are "suppost" to make me feel better
Seizingbeauty SOO true!!!

"You totally don't understand why this is funny/upsetting/annoying to me do you? Meh, that's okay, my epileptic friends will..."

I love you all! :)

"I'm having a really bad "word day"... When I remember the word I want to use at 1AM I will tell you!"

"I feel like I just said this...DID I just say this?"

"The reason I don't ride bikes is because you told too many helmet jokes and made me self-conscious...that and the last time I rode a bike I absenced, sped right into a parked car, and flew into a tree...yes, that was the day I wore a hoodie that covered my entire forehead and bought those hospital grade bandages."

" No, I broke two toes. Oh yeah, and drank half a bottle of Jamesons. What was I supposed to do? They gave me Ibuprofen. I had to get rid of the pain SOMEhow..."

"They gave me this metal sleeve-glove thing so I couldn't move my hand...three broken fingers and misaligned metacarpals. Make one more IronMan joke, I dare you..."

"I'll show you what a seizure really feels like...there's this great spot in the body that is so easy to use; you can give a "seizure" with your hand. Hit-twist. Wave your arms at me again and I'll let you in on the secret.."

"No, I'm not drunk, I had a seizure this morning..."

"I told you, they're antiepileptic drugs. I have a PRESCRIPTION. No, the reason I am covering me eyes is because your lights are going to make me throw a seizure...."
i just hate when people complain about headaches.
i just hate when people complain about headaches.
I don't hate it but sometimes I do think, 'Hmmm, you should try a seizure.' The headache after smoking my head on whatever it was grand mal #4 made a migraine look fun.
It's almost surreal, no matter what words I use or ways I explain people just don't understand what it's like.
"Why am I here?"

" . . . -blank stare- huh?"

"Butter nuts"

" $h*t, that hurt!"
I don't hate it but sometimes I do think, 'Hmmm, you should try a seizure.' The headache after smoking my head on whatever it was grand mal #4 made a migraine look fun.
It's almost surreal, no matter what words I use or ways I explain people just don't understand what it's like.

What about people who have seizures and also have headaches. i get terrible headaches ( not migraines). I would hate for someone to tell me they got annoyed with me for wishing my PAIN would go away. >: (
Mum checking on me post-seizure.."What's your brother's name?
Me: 9th June
Mum (smiles) "No, not his birthday, what's his name?"
Me: Mum i'm fine honest. It's the 9th June. Look, I'm not drooling anymore!
Mum: Okay, what's your favourite colour?
Me: Duh...9th June. You know that. God my head hurts.
Mum: You're still not with it. What's the dogs name?
Me: MUM! Seriously! I just need to sleep. He's the 9th of June and he's blue with 4 legs and a tail.
Mum: Okay then, I'll come and check on you in a minute.
Me: Will it be the 9th of June still?

To the paramedics earlier this week...

"Holy crap! I thought you were the bookcase!! How many of you are there? "

"You're better looking than me."

"Well that's one way to get lots of men in uniform into my house. Do you like my bed hair?"

"OMG I really need to pee. No i'm not doing it in the dog bowl! My aim is off."

"Shouldn't you be picking up little old ladies? I'm fine now. I just look like a little old lady."

"Show me all your drugs and i'll pick one"

(To my flatmate/massage therapist) - "Clear your schedule, I need you all weekend after this."

To my flatmates..."that was your fault saying there was nothing on TV. Gave you something to watch didn't it."
Seizurrific, thank you, I haven't laughed so hard for ages!!
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"I don't know. How..where did you come from? Hi. Yes. Seizure journal..bottom draw of the bookcase thingy. And phone charger. Need to update bookface. Whatever. How's my makeup? It's like drug addict/drag queen. I'm so hot right now."
Wobblez, people ask me the date preictally and postictally and I will INSIST (every single time) that it's 5 October. I even bet my life on it one time haha ; ) We're actually a lot alike. I'm glad you like this thread- I love it; absolutely makes me laugh every single time someone writes something new hehehe :)

"What meds do you take? Hey, me too!"

"I have to go in for my 5-7 day VEEG...I'm going to be SO bored. Recommend any good books? Or better yet, can you come sit with me for a day? We could be so bored together!"

"Don't with Seize, she's all muscle. No, really. She has LEGIT epilepsy. Every muscle gets a seizure-workout. She's so legit I've already claimed Seize for my Zombie Apocalypse Survival Team!"

"I'm usually quite pacifistic...well decently... like everyone else. But you took a video. of me having a violent seizure. and you left it on my porch. As far as I'm concerned that qualified as serious provocation. I do hope your jaw feels better...I didnt mean to break it, honest!

"What sometimes looks like, acts like, falls like, sometimes misses the toilet like, sleeps like, and wakes up like a drunk but isn't actually drunk and doesn't usually drink at all? An epileptic. (Hahaha I LOVE this joke!)

"I didn't order that."
"Yes you did, I promise. Don't get mad though, you ordered what I wanted so I ordered what you wanted. We can just switch plates."
"I didn't order that."
"Dear, listen. You have issues with servers...they make you have partials. Anyway, your short-lived inability makes you extra sexy...every man needs to feel like a hero now and then."
"Don't let it go to your head, Hercules haha. Really though, Paul. I didn't order that."
"Seize...*sigh* okay."

"Okay, look at where we are and what you're wearing, Seize. You wore your fancy schmancy dress and we are seated in a very nice steak house. Should I be worried that you ordered a lovely steak for yourself and then requested chicken nuggets for "our buddy Stephen?"
"Stephennnnnnn...Stephen who??"
"Yup. Stephen."
"What are you talking about? "
"You know, Stephen? Our favourite paramedic?"
"?!?!? Oh NO."

Before I even start this conversation with my roommates I'm crying softly and they definitely know something "epic epileptic"is coming hahaha
*sniffle sniffle* "You guys, guys? I hate monkeys. They were...are on Planet Earth Jungles and they scare me even in DVD. But I don't know WHY *crying a bit more seriously*!!!!...The little ones are so cute with their fluffy stripey tails and then 'they fight get scary and I don't, I don't... They've never done anything to me so WHY AM I SO MEAN TO THEM? Why do I hate them and they scare me so much? I am so mean.... I'm so mean..." *crying outright depressedly, like I've kicked someone down a flight of stairs* hahahahahaha

"Seize, you're eating dinner twice. Don't take your pills twice! Eemember last time when they sent the paramedics twice?"

"I'm not going to barf after this strobe test. I'm not." ----> "Damn it, I PROMISED!" Haha

"Turn off the TV- it's okay. Here, give me the pillows and that blanket for her head. She's gonna seize and after she's done with her ictal phase, the jerking and drooling, she's got no filter and you can ask her any question at all. Our friend used to bring up sex every time and it would make her SO mad later when she kind of figures it out.haha"
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I went to starbucks yesterday, had a complex partial when I was ordering.Nothing came out of my mouth. They guessed and thank god they were right. LOL I just said I was tired.My son just looks at me and sais whats wrong with your brain today mom? LOL And the first place I look for any thing is in the freezer.
Yes!!! Another freezer-hider! ;)

"You decided, okay well your brain decided, to drool on that guy's trousers. It's okay though, he was a complete bastard."

"Hey Seize, we went food shopping this morning and bought you that weird soy milk you hate by accident...can you even return milk??? Oh yeah and don't open the freezer cause it's stuffed with new foodage- it'll probably avalanche hahaha."
(30 minutes later)
"Ice." I'm talking to myself here haha
(opens freezer...EVERYTHING spills)
"Aack! Seize I told you....ohhhh haha I get it."
"No. Later."
*miserable* "Owww....?"

"I re-broke my toes last night..."
"Huh? How?! I didn't hear anything."
"We're even then...I didn't feel anything."

"I can't feel my face and feel feet are all shiny (this is my pre-ictal word for the feeling when blood rushes back into your feet). This is bad. Good night."

"I'm sorry...I didn't mean to kick you in the face. No, seriously."

"Just tell him I seized. I probably will anyway."

"I was going to walk the circle's stand for nuts with green tea. And olives. Oh and don't forget the bites with the speckles hiding in there. Happy Day Thing. For me! Hahaha he smiles so I like his pretty dirty shoe!"
"Okay Seize I can usually sort of make out what the weird shit you say during a seizure means but uh, yeah, not this time...."

"Seize why can you never fall to the right? It would even out your scars."
"Take it up with the brain..."

Okay well if you don't see me for a little while it's cause I really am going to seize. Do a bit of funny stuff while I'm gone...
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