Hi everybody, I'm new here and I'm new to the whole epilepsy thing too! I was told I have abnormal activity in the left temporal lobe region last week by a psychiatrist after I had an EEG (I initially went to him as I thought I was going crazy). However, the psychiatrist appears to be IGNORING this information and continuing to diagnose me with drug induced psychosis which is absurd considering I have not taken anything stronger than an aspirin or smoked marijuana for 15 years and most of the symptoms I have described to him seem to fit simple partial seizures..? I had no idea what temporal epilepsy actually was until I left his office and began to look it up on the net and now, I'm 100% sure the symptoms I have been hiding and coping with since my teens is in fact temporal epilepsy. I have an appointment with my family medical doctor tomorrow to discuss this and I will ask her to request the EEG report from the psychiatrist but I'm scared...a diagnosis of drug induced psychosis will ruin my life and my career and I cannot accept it, especially when I know it is not right...I really need your help - any information on temporal lobe epilepsy gratefully received! x