partial seizures

  1. E

    Seizure newbie

    I posted a couple of weeks ago as "New to this." I promised I would come back with lotsa questions. So, I'm back. I've just been diagnosed with partial seizures that I've been told I've had all my life. I thought they were migraine symptoms/auras/after-effects. My problem is, now I don't...
  2. J

    trembling/shaking partial seizures?

    The trembling/shaking feelings I've been having have been getting worse and more frequent. (I presume these to be partial seizures). I'm now getting trembling feelings in my face and body quite frequently mostly when I lay down for a nap or sleep, and also an annoying eye twitch on and off...
  3. M

    college student with partial seizures

    Hey all! I'm a junior in college currently, and I've been seizure free for four years on medication. However, I'm having some trouble dealing with having epilepsy, and don't have any friends who have it. I've started thinking about post-college careers, which is scary enough as it is, but I'm...
  4. C

    What do I do when he's having a long partial?

    Hi, some here may know that I have a developmentally disabled son who has been having partials every day for the past 10 days. The neuro prescribed additional medicine (Keppra) and he just doubled my son's dose yesterday. So, my son is taking 500 mg of Dilantin and 2000 mg of Keppra now. My...
  5. C

    How long does it take for Keppra to make a difference, ugh?

    Hello, my son began Keppra on March 18th and is on 1000 mg a day. He also takes 500 mg of Dilantin a day and has for almost 2 years. (The neuro added Keppra when 2 tonic clonics broke through almost 2 weeks ago.) He's had partials almost every day for the past 9 days, which is new for him...
  6. C

    B6 vitamins to mitigate effects of Keppra

    Hi, it's comforting to be here. I have a 27 yr. old, developmentally delayed son who was diagnosed with epilepsy 23 months ago. He was on 400 mg of dilantin (phenytoin) per day and appeared to be seizure free until March 10, 2014. That day, he had 2 tonic clonics and has had 5 partials in the...
  7. Sinead

    Oh, hi! About me.

    Hi from Australia. My temporal lobe seizures started decades ago. The likely cause is an angioma. They are well controlled by tegretol and lamictal with no issues until now. My liver enzymes are now sky high and it looks like tegretol may no longer a good drug for me. This is very unexpected...
  8. J

    Temporal Lobe Epilepsy at 27... possible link to other past & current conditions?

    Hi Team! I have found your articles very helpful in exploring some issues I've been having lately. However, as you know seizures can be caused by so many factors I'm having a hard time sorting it all out. My Doctor as well has not been very helpful or seamed to want to look into things past the...
  9. P

    Partial and nocturnal seizures

    Hi everyone :) I've never done anything like this before so am not too sure on what to say lol. I am 16 years old and have recently been diagnosed with epilepsy, have an appointment too see a neurologist coming up :/ i first went too the doctors suffering from severe headaches - was sent for an...
  10. D

    Could this be partial seizures or non-epileptic events

    Hi. About year ago I was diagnosed with pseudoseizures when one afternoon I started convulsing and hallucinating after taking a few hits of cannabis. Nothing was wrong with the weed itself, as I smoked more of it the next day without any negative side effects. What was strange about the...
  11. S

    Question about partial seizure diagnosis?

    Hi everyone. I have been spending some time reading through these boards after being diagnosed with partial seizures two days ago. Primarily, I am reading because I am confused about my diagnosis, confused about what type of seizures I am supposedly having, confused about the medication . . ...
  12. F

    help with seizures

    hi there, i ve been having undiagnosed seizures for the past nine years since i had my first child,(read profile to get full story) ive only just been referred to a neurologist now as the doctors ive had in the past have been useless. but lately they have got worse i'm having partial seizures at...
  13. L

    Temporal epilepsy info required

    Hi everybody, I'm new here and I'm new to the whole epilepsy thing too! I was told I have abnormal activity in the left temporal lobe region last week by a psychiatrist after I had an EEG (I initially went to him as I thought I was going crazy). However, the psychiatrist appears to be IGNORING...
  14. T

    sensory seizure.

    throughout my life Ive always had what i now believe to be a partial seizure where either i feel like im falling, or i feel like im going round and round in circles or when im walking it wont seem real like im walking on air is the only way i can describe it, i was wondering is this just me or...
  15. M

    I'm trying to cope with Epilespy...

    Hello everyone, Thank you for taking the time to meet me. My name is Megan. I started having nocturnal granmal seizures when I was 17 years old, I'm 24 years old now and have had them ever since... I can't seem to keep them 100 percent controlled. I have gotten them down from me having one...
  16. Literophile

    Hi! New here, and new to seizures. Lots of questions

    Hi there! I'll give you a little background (and I mean seriously condensed because it's a long story) so my questions will make more sense. I have never had any serious health issues, but there's a family history of migraines, psychological disorders (though nothing more serious than bipolar)...
  17. R

    running and simple partial seizures

    I've had 3 Generalized Tonic-Clonic seizures which have been controlled by lamictal. Now I get simple partial seizures. It seems they happen when I run, more often then not. They come about once a week. During the winter, while being a strict vegan, I rarely got them. Now that I've fallen off...
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