Absolutely loved Crazychick's answer about the maths class and the maths exam. This actually happened to me. For years I felt mortified about a seizure I took during a maths test. I didn't take many seizures in school time, mainly at school discos and in the toilets where my pals usually found me unconscious. The lights got to me - but the doctors said I wasn't photosensitive - now they say I am, It's only taken 30 years...
I was at a party (without a disco...) and a guy who was in my circle of friends at school was there with his wife. We got chatting about school and some of the teachers. We both started talking about the maths teacher. I was surprised when my friend complained about him because he was very good at maths. 'We all felt really rotten for you when you had that seizure..' I just wished the floor would swallow me, 'but if you don't mind me saying so I was so glad you did because that was a hideous test'. I've felt better about the situation ever since I was told that.
Also, loved that one about the jerk...must try it...SLAP!!!
I adore the phrase 'medically exempt from driving', it sounds so official. People shut up and don't pester you on why you don't drive. I've had my clear years before, I object to driving because it is environmentally disastrous, fundamentally the single most dangerous thing people do on a daily basis and I'm sh*te at it.
I basically blamed a year of inappropriate comments that I made on a Keppra - on reflection, it seems Keppra was to blame. But some people truly deserved what was said to them and I secretly smile when I remember their faces.
Why else is it a great medical condition - well it can be controlled. Yep with crappy meds but it can be controlled.
After 2years of medical science, I realise there are an awful lot worse things that you could be diagnosed with; sometimes it really gets to me a bit when I see people posting and the just of the content is 'Oh I really don't want to /don't want my son or daughter to have this awful disease.
Whilst it is appreciated that the people posting are very scared and this isn't exactly a gift; there are different ways of approaching any possible diagnosis which may reflect more positively on the outcome and it would be nice if occasionally the feelings of those already obviously living with the 'awful disease' who were expected to reply with compassion were considered. Possibly I'm just being inconsiderate and lacking in empathy.
Free bus pass - yay! you have no idea how much it would cost me every month just to see my family from uni if I did not have that. Also, travel about town, it works out cheaper than a student pass.
Free prescriptions in the UK - for life.
I know a very attractive male GP, and two female neurologists, that the men I know seem to rate - basically come to Scotland!
An awful lot of assistance at Uni regards equipment to combat fatigue for recording lectures etc.
Yeah so Keppra and all the infections I got, increased seizures and syncope ruined my business, but I like uni and I could always teach again sometime, it's not like it's ended forever.
Regards us all being awesome, I like this