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The summer is not a bummer television wise for me because repeat or not, everything is pretty new again.
The only time I flip out is when the VNS magnet disappears, usually I know something has already gone wrong then it is a matter of retracing steps. It takes me awhile to go through and locate it but usually it is fairly an easy discovery as it is close by.
Lethologica: the state of not being able to remember the word you want.
onder: bingo!
I make a grocery list so I don't forget anything. Get to the store and realize I don't have the list. Grocery shop anyway. Get keys out of pocket to unlock car and find grocery list in my pocket.
I forget words in the middle of a sentence so I stare blankly at whoever I'm talking to until they try and finish the sentence for me lol!
I mostly drink cold coffee, sometime two cups. And I am saving on movies because it is like watching for the first time. I have to laugh or I'll cry.
I do this all the time. I love it when I call a help support line for something, like the phone or cable tv, then can't remember what the word is for the thing that I called for.
I've called for the cable tv and they asked where the box was that I was having trouble with. I could not think of the word bedroom. So after a few seconds of me saying things like - "It's in the room that we sleep in", "It has the thing with the sheets in it", and "It's in the room that has the dressers and it's on top of one of them." - and him guessing trying to guess, then finally got it. The guy that I was talking to must have thought I was a real goof!
I lost mine this morning and was looking all over the house for it. They need to put something on it like the do for phones. When you can't find it you push a button and it beeps!
Did find it though after looking for about half an hour. It was in my bed all tangled up in the sheets.