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multi - ultimate - mate - mat - at - late - lately - ate - eat - meat - met - tame - time - lime - let - tell - till - mill - mall - tall - tit - milt - malt - meal - me - tale - tail - mail - ail - ale

next: marshmellow
Marsh mar loam sham meow wash sham soar well smell sear wall small


master - mastered - star - tear - tears - rear - rare - mad - meet - meets - mat - met - mast - meat - seed - seeds - rest - rests - rested - sea - seem - seemed - tease - teased - deam - deamed - dream - dreams - dreamt - deer - deers - dear - dears - steam - steamed - red - reds - arrest - arrested - are - stream - streamed - tame - tames - tamed - stare - stared - erase - erased

next: midsummernight

summer, night, right, sight, die, might, sim, dime, me, the, red, side,

diet, I, It Is, sum, rum, tug , mist

next: signatures

sign. tear,nature, rest, at, a, as, age, an, tan, ten, sing, seat, gate. gates,

rust, rat, rats, date, gates, gate, sat,

next : ameliorate

a, i, am, at, or, it, ore, rat, rate, lame, late, oral, tame, melt, lime, liar, rome, ate, lie, mole, eat, are, oil, lit, male, meal, mate, tear, team, ale, more, real, realm.... sorry bedtime!


ass ate sat cat cats so toss coat coats A as it I at


to, got, get, her, the, hog, tree, go, ether, ore, ogre, gore, hot, tog, here, toe, rot, there, torte, greet, grot, teeth, trot, hoe, teet, tot, tore


grama, sam, Rams, Ram, as, a, gas, ran, mags, man,arms, sag,



to tour nature no men turn a ram team name tame mean our rant


for= sin= sins= rise= or= sore=sores= nore= I is= core= score= scores=


an - ant - rant - are - tare - tea - tear - ear - near - neat - nine - rain - air - in - tin - it - rite - rat - rent - ten - tan - ran - aura - rate - ate - eat

new word: surrealistic

realistic list ale rust rest tale sale sure real steal it at sat seal rat lure rustic cat cure clear elatistic

circus it nat tan mitt at rust mat smut lit


the first one I posted, then my computer blanked out I thought it did not go out so I did it again. Fun game.
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Hi, I love your poetry. I am a writer too. Is this a word to find words in? or association ? I would say EXPERIENTIAL for association. PS. who do you read? ~Douglas
Hi, I love your poetry. I am a writer too. Is this a word to find words in? or association ? I would say EXPERIENTIAL for association. PS. who do you read? ~Douglas

@Janus, in Brain Freeze it is about words to find other words in (word association is another game.) And you have to give a new word for the next person to find words in.

I will pick the game up with your EXPERIENTIAL (although I'm not sure whether that is a word ...)

ex - next - expert - extern - external - ale - ail - tail - tale - tear - near - pear - per - rap - rape - tap - tape - rent - ant -pant - paint - painter - neat - tip - late - later - ate - eat - an - in - tin - pin - lean - rain - pain - lap - pal - pale - peer - tax - taxi - nail - niple - triple - trip - trial - pie - pixel - line - air - pair - lineair

next: cellulitis
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Is this one too difficult? I will try it myself.


cell - cells - sell - tell - tells - still - is - it - tit - tits - cite - cites - site - sit - elite - elites - list - lust - use - cut - cuts -cute

next: waterfalls
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