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WA ( Washington State)- fall- rat- wafe- rat- let- late- straw- let- safe- saw- sew- raw- water- stall- fast- tall- at- et- slaw- all- raft- let- swat- at- wall- after- ref- safer- later- salt- salter- terf- trawl- fret- raft-

Thank you Dutch mom; experiential IS a word. One of my faves. How did you get the 'bold' print on your next word? And thank you I love the game. PS.

@Janus, use the B (bold) icon above your new message to type a bold word, you can click on it before typing or you can select a word with your mouse and click on the icon.


aero - air - dynamic - dynamical - call - all - name - my - dine - dime - red - led - read - melt - malt - metal - am - lam - ice - mine - mice - dice - lince - nice - rice - rome - race - raced - racial - radial - dial - care - cared - mall - maire - lol - doll - mol - near - die - romain - roman - main - maine - mill - lame - man - men - mend - lend - end - come - came - nor - no - nod - lay - layed - dear - ear - near - are - dare - do - done - lie

Next : philosopher

so her hope lop hip rope Pope pop hop help lip ship lisp pile heir spoil oil


me, mice, nice, cement, entice, tent, ten, net, cent, mint, in, tin, time, eminence, eminent, niece, item, cite


con - cons - on - to - ton - tons - son - stab - bar - bars - tan - tans - bolt - bust - burst - tab - tabs - lost - lust - last - ant - ants - rant - rants - but - buts - bat - bats - sun - bun - buns - ban - bans - rat - rats - cost - roast - tuba - tubas

next: constitutionaly

con, con, tit, tat, tit, tat, loon, noon,constitution, constitutional, scat, situation, situational, sat, sit, sic, stun, nation, cost, stay, sty, lay, national, tuition, son, sonic, tonic, colon

next: metaphysical
tap- this- physical- at- met- hat- sat- cat- lit- lip- cal- cap- temp- am- mal- hype- lap- sic- limp- lamp- his- hem- psych- pat- yah- is- mac-
mic- mat- may- mit- myth- meh- yep- phat- it- pic- is- cam- late- pet- pit- pal- pat- ham- hale- his- til- hep- aye- pie- pis-

NEXT: meningitis

men - mine - mines - is - it - in - tin - tins - ten - tens - nine - nines - sin - sit - gin - mini - ming - sing - met - get - gets

next: psychologist
I've had an idea for altering this game, or making a new version, where the words have to spell out a sentence, maybe even one relevant to the word.

I school this cool logic.

psych - logic - tic - tics - toc - tocs - hit - hits - it - its - sit - piss - lot - lots - got - tip - tips - stop - hot - lost - list - spot - log -

next: housekeeper
hope hup hose seek spoke poke keep perk peek puke hoke skee kees hop hops shop rope rose


emir - lime - rum - rumble - umber - blue - blume - blur - limb - mule - rule - rib - lemur - lumber

next: expectation
nation expect pectin nap nape ape apt to tot tip pit pat ton tone pin tin tape pot potted excrete peat pet pop tax on no tit nit nite note


in - ins - ice - ices - it - is - piss - pie - pies - pen - pens - pin - pins - tit - tits - tip - tips - tin - tins - us - use - pus - unit - units -inspect - inspects - suspect - suspects - step - steps - insect - insects - septic - septics - sun - suns - sunset - sue - sues - sec - sic - sin - sins - put - puts - pun - puns - put - puts - pit - pits - pic - pics - pet - pets - nut - nuts - pen - pens - cut - cuts - cup - cups - cute - cutes - cue - cues - use - uses - tutu - tutus - tie - ties - untie - unties - pie - pies - tent - tents - ten - tens - test - tests - pest - pests - supe - supes - suit - suits - suite - suites - stun - stuns - stunt - stunts - site - sites - spin - spins - pint - pints - spine - spines - nut - nuts - nice - nest - nests - etui - etuis - epic - upset - upsets - up - ups - unset - set - sit - sits - tie - ties - untie - unties - tune - tunes - tunic - tunics - step - steps - since - spite - spice - spices - spent - snipe - situp - situps - setup - setups - scent - scents - cent - cents - piste - pistes - penis - input - inputs - issue - issues - tissue - tissues - unite - unites

* Wow, what a word... thanx Cazzy! *

next: irresistible

rest belt bit bite sit best less bless is it resist

next: definition

dine - fine - nine - ion - in - it - tin - on - ton - done - none - not - dot - nod - dito - net - fed - fit - fond

next: extremist
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