Lemonade anyone?

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I'm with the kids doing some shopping at the Myers (department store),whilst looking for a birthday pressie for a young child, my Daughter starts to look iffy & has a Tonic Clonic lasting approx 2minutes 20 secs.

Meanwhile during this I'm getting a bollicking from an elderly lady asking me "why I'm a bad mother?"

I ignored her & focused on my child instead, having the midazolam ready if the seizure goes beyond 5 minutes.

One my twin sons said to the old lady...

" go away & don't talk to the best mum in the world like that!"
I was stony faced until I got home & gave him a kiss & hug..he made my day..
Reasons why having Epilepsy "helped" me growing up:

I was to busy taking prescription AEDs to get involved with illegal drugs.

I was to too tired after school to run with crowd. So getting into trouble was prevented.

I was focused on my school work to keep up with rest of the class. So that made me get good grades.

I was unable to play team sports. So my medical bills were low on that end, that's if you don't include all the neurologist and AEDs bills.

I was not able to drive. So no car, insurance, repair, gas bills for me.

If Epilepsy was a poker hand it would be a: A K Q J 10 (Straight)

Because it kept me on the "Straight and Narrow", most of my life.
BigMan one needs to get over the pain and keep seeing the positive, because its there ..just have to really appreciate it.

Thank you. :-)
The good thing for me about my nocturnal seizures is that they make me very particular about sharing a bed with anyone. More particular than I might have been back in my more wild impetuous youth.
Trusting someone enough to have sex with them is one level of trust. Being willing to wake up with them is a higher level. If you are trusting someone enough to have a grand mal seizure in their arms, they really have to be a good person.
Epilepsy poses challenges in different ways to people who are directly affected by the condition. You seem to have a "no crap" attitude, its great to read this.

What you are describing is the level of greatness when one is in a relationship and love certainly does conquer the epilepsy crap.

Something that should never be taken for granted.
The qualities you want in a person who will be there when you are having a seizure are very similar to the qualities one would look for in a mate.
Intelligent, well informed (e.g. not trying to stick a spoon in your mouth)
Level headed. Freaking out helps nobody.
Compassionate and caring.
Doesn't bail on you when you need them.
Doesn't hold your imperfections against you.

Yes, I guess I do have a "no-crap" attitude. life is too short for anything else. Good to meet you.
I've been on this forum for a few years and I can't believe I've never come across this thread. I am laughing so hard at some of these that I am crying too!

When your told - "You look like you might be going to have a seizure so I'll cook dinner. I don't want you anywhere near the stove."

When you're having sex and your husband thinks you must be really into it until he realizes you're having a seizure!

When you're given a food that you HATE you can just say "Oh, I can't eat that because of the medicine that I'm on."

When you wake up naked on the couch you have a reason.
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ha ha I luv the sense of humour!!

Valerie seems to have worked out some ways of getting out of stuff!..
After taking a shower I took my robe and towel off to find my body was still covered in soap and my hair was full of shampoo. That's when I realized I'd had a seizure in the shower and didn't know it. At least one good thing came out of it - When I got back in the shower to rinse off I took my robe and towel in with me and washed them. I saved on laundry detergent and water!

You were so happy when they started making Depends with out those 'annoying panty lines' because they were so embarrassing to have.
"When life gives you lemons, make Grape Juice, then sit back and let the world wonder how you did it."
I was reading a joke on here yesterday I just can't find jokes what they come under thread
I look at it like this when you get lemons in life make lemonade. It can be hard to except a diagnosis like epilepsy but things could be much worse.
When life gives you lemons spit them out swear you entitled have pity pArty from time to time I having one at the moment three broken ribs so I feel bleeding sorry for myself not sure how long I intend to be sorry for meself I have give it some thought
found these on-line had to share
Q: What do you call an epileptic holding a glass of milk?
A: A milkshake.
Q: What do you call an epileptic in your bathtub?
A: A jacuzzi.
Q: What do you call an epileptic in your garden?
A: A seizure salad.
Q: What's the ultimate doom for a leper?
A: An epileptic fit.
Q: What's the difference between a corn farmer with epilepsy and a blonde with diarrhea?
A: One shucks between fits.
Q: What do you call a stoned epileptic?
A: Shake 'N Bake
Q: What does an elephant use as a vibrator?
A: An epileptic
Q: What do you throw to an epileptic who is having a fit in the bath?
A: Your laundry.
:clap: Those are the best I've ever heard.
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