So I was stupid...

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Last night I did something I think I regret. I'm 20 years old, barely have smoked weed but have never been drunk or taken any other illegal drug before. So curiosity got the best of me regarding Marijuana. Got some earlier this week and had actually tried it twice before but only felt relaxed, however I know I wasn't filling my lungs to the max or completely inhaling it all the way. Anyways, last night I was determined to get stoned just to experience it once. So I took three big hits from a joint that had "good weed" and initially just felt like I normally did; a little light headed and walking slower.

Then I began watching television with a friend and I noticed my legs were getting numb and my body was feeling warm. We were talking about his first high and I remember I was laughing so hard, I mean like for no apparent reason. And I kept on doing this until I felt it completely "hit" me so to say and I panicked. Everything slowed down, my friend sounded like he way across the room and I felt like I was not even in my body and was disoriented at the same time. I jumped up and freaked and told him that I gotta go sleep this off and it was too strong and he calmed me down and I felt reassured and just watched TV and laughed about everything. The reason I panicked I suppose, was because it felt like those complex partial seizures I would occassionally have before being put on meds 5 years ago ie: disorientation, panic, spacey and distant. I mean, it wouldn't have caused a seizure immediately right? At least a complex partial? Or do you think that this was just a newbie being stoned and not use to it? It was potent I know that. But one thing that kind of is reassuring that it isn't a seizure, is that it kind of felt like the versed I got in the hospital before I had lymph node surgery a year ago. Kinda dreamy and loopy. Either way, it was my decision to make and I just hope this doesn't make me more susceptible to complex partials again :(

Sorry to ramble.
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I don't know. It didn't sound pleasant. I hope your curiosity cured.

Enjoy the night
If we learn from our mistakes then life can only get better.
At least you recognise it as a mistake and hopefully your curiosity is now satisfied so you don't need to go 'there' again
so the

question of the day is: do you want to go through the experience again, or did you have enough?
You are ok. So for me I think I would just chalk it up for an experience of life and move on. Teresa PS Ive done the same thing. None of us are perfect.
Also its not being stupid, its growing up. Trying things. Some good, some bad. Its all about learning and doing our best. We all make choices and most times we learn from them. I'm really glad you're OK. My sons 19, I know hes had a beer here or there. I know hes tried pot for sleep and appetite. I also know he has a decent head on his shoulders and he will figure it out. I tell my kids all the time, I know its not easy being the kid but its also not easy being the parent lol

Life's not always easy and E does make it more interesting but it can still be a helluva good time. I'm more into finding joy in the little things around me. The beach, the woods, music, animals, kids. Natural things. It takes time, you will figure it all out. You seem like a great guy*

Be well
I have never smoked marijuana, I can not be around marijuana because the smell and
smoke triggers a seizure.

I hope you will remember the feeling you had after smoking pot,
I am glad to hear that you are okay!
You shouldn't smoke Marijuana with your seizure medications, because you don't know how they will react with each other.

Echoing what Robin said really :

There are no such things as mistakes, just lessons to be learned.

Please do the right thing, and don't bother with the 'stuff' again - your life is too precious.
Reply to TeeTees

Tee Tees,

I am so sorry if you feel or think that I am echoing what Robin had said
but I am not I am stating how I feel from what I have been through because of the experience of having sisters that smoked marijuana around me intentionally to see me have seizures.

Shonni that is terrible! I really don't understand people sometimes.

Googly I agree with everyone but I also think that you should consider yourself lucky that in the end you were ok, next time you might not be so lucky.
Thanks everyone for the replies. It meant a lot. I'm really coming to terms with thinking that it was just the high and not a seizure. Like, the whole forgetting what I was talking about and the disorientation when the high hit me was the frightening part. I think they have a name for the type of weed I had; creeper or something since it takes a little time to hit you. But I'm still feeling a little sluggish today but I'm coming to finally :)
Hey, Googly,

We've all had to go through what I call "stepping stones" to find out things in life. Not a bit stupid - just remember it.

Pot, with my try yrs ago, made me high, then super paranoid. No more.

Alcohol, sick, sick, sick - doesn't mix with my meds.

Nicotine, VERY addictive, and brings on bad stuff for me.

We ALL have done things, tried things, nobody but nobody is perfect.

We all care - if ya fall down - get back up - if ya fall down again - keep getting up.

It's when ya quit TRYING to be the "Best" that you yourself can be that you are in trouble. And, your very very "Best" that you are capable just may not be what is expected of you by others. Stick with positive, uplifting people, like the ones in this group.

Glad you are with us - we really care.
Tee Tees,

I am so sorry if you feel or think that I am echoing what Robin had said
but I am not I am stating how I feel from what I have been through because of the experience of having sisters that smoked marijuana around me intentionally to see me have seizures.


I was referring to what I was about to type, Shonni....nothing you had written ;)
you were just having a bad trip weed cant cause seizures as far i know to, cause im getting weened off of keppra and i was preety much high for about 40 hours straight and i was fine i have grand mal seizures there random and the only thing that causes them is my keppra medicine
Actually RRuiz, marijuana can cause seizures in some people. That's why the site doesn't take an official stand. For some people, weed reduces seizures while with others, it increases seizure activity.
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