the person below me

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Jeff, sorry for using "hate". I agree with what you said about hatred as well.
I'm not sure about the two Koreas, but from what I've seen, I think that they should stop all this enemy nonsense and sign a peace treaty or something.

TPBM loves classical piano music.
Ah, don't be sorry, no worries.

Well, I don't listen to a lot by any means, but I do love Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata.

TPBM likes taking candid captures with their camera.
I did until I was arrested......

Fears large insects
Well, some of the smaller insects can be extremely irritating, not sure about any large insects, though.

TPBM is a nightowl.
In Australian time only.

TPBM thinks that every office cubical should come with an Ipod
Hella Yah! That and a helper monkey with a crass additude toward upper management.

Is still a little afraid of the dark
True for me. I feel paranoid when in the dark and I fear that "camouflaged spies are watching me". :( Is that worrying or bad?

TPBM has never seen an owl close up.
(I had a picture taken with an owl on my right shoulder! The experience was incredible. :) I wish I had a pet owl...that would be so cool!)
Correct, I have not, I've never seen one about in our area, though I've read quite a lot about various sub-species of owls in some books and from what I read they really seem to be such incredible animals.

TPBM finds it tough to tolerate heat and humidity; prefers colder temperatures.
I don't cope well with the really hot days, I hated the heat waves we had last month . Can't wait for Autumn to come when it is a bit cooler.

TPBM likes watching reality tv
Nope, but apparently there are things hidden here for me...I'm trying to be good and not go hunting, the kids should be home any minute.

tpbm is on a never ending job hunt...
Fortunately no, although I've got prospect of permanancy .... Just temp work

The person below me is glad its Friday
yes.. I don't like sport
got more than one valentines day card today, thursday :)
Nope, people in my area don't celebrate St. Valentine's Day. It's quite interesting to know that St. Valentine was the patron saint of epilepsy :).

TPBM is working tomorrow :(
I'm not, though sometimes I wish I was, as it would give my life more direction and purpose than it has at present, perhaps.

TPBM is often comforted by the sound of the birds crying out in the morning.
Not when they wake me up. Now I get up before them and scream at the top of my lungs to wake them up. Suck it birds!

Thinks the use of deodorant is optional.
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