I have simple partial seizures. I started out on Lamictal and it was working great but after 11 months and increasing my dosage, I got the worst acne of my life. It was horrible and was making me depressed. My dr. put me on Keppra but after only 4 months she took me off. I was depressed, moody (and mean!)and could sleep 24 hours at a time if I allowed myself. Not good when you have 3 kids to care for. I am now on Trileptal and I have only had a few episodes. It's been 2 months and I put on 7 lbs. Not a HUGE gain but enough that none of my clothes fit. I track my calories and only take in 1500 a day. I exercise 4 times a week for an hour. It's really starting to bother me. My doctor isn't very sympathetic. When I told her how constipated the medicine was making me when I first started she said to increase my fiber. I told her I track my fiber intake and I will increase it but I already eat a high fiber diet. She told me to eat an apple. It also makes me very, very tired. I'm only on 300 mg a day. Anyone else have weight gain on Trileptal?