(Hello! It's been a long time!)
I voted Other. I wasn't very good at PE (Physical Education---sports, gymnastics, dance) but I enjoyed playing cricket, rounders and football (that's soccer for the American folks). There was one year (out of my 5 years of secondary school) where I got to participate in cross-country running (modified to take part in the school playground instead) and I LOVED it! I also wasn't good at Science, ESPECIALLY Biology.
It's weird. I didn't do well in my Science exams but managed to get a C. PE had no exams or grades as it was just a curriculum thing that doesn't get you an official qualification (unless you've chosen GCSE PE which has classroom assessments and practical stuff but I didn't choose that).
I absolutely LOVED English (Language and Literature taught by the same AMAZING teacher!), Religious Studies (great teacher!), and History (again, a great teacher!). I think what your teachers are/were like and whether you get/got on with them really influences your opinion towards those subjects. My English teacher was ABSOLUTELY AMAZING
! Her passion for her subject and her love of Shakespeare was clear. She made studying Macbeth fun and interactive! I still have my copy of the Poetry Anthology, complete with annotations! I saw (and still see) her as an older sister figure as she's not much older than me. She joked around with my class and we pranked her a couple of times. She could be in a bad mood for 25% of the lesson, start laughing for some reason for what felt like 50% of the lesson...then the rest of the lesson would be an actual lesson
. I got a B for both English Language AND English Literature! She's lovely!
While I am still at a further stage in education, I miss those days when I attended her lessons and held the important position of one of the school Prefects in my final year (this position's importance is between non-Prefect students and the senior leadership team, apparently) (while wearing a very nice maroon blazer and tie along with normal uniform). I felt like I was valued in the last year of secondary school. Now? I'm not completely sure.
(sorry for the somewhat long post!