
  1. brain

    Memory and Cognitive Functionality and Issues

    This poll here is PRIVATE out of respect for others. Anti-epileptic drug(s), Surgery, Seizures, Genetic, Mitochondrial, just to name a few - can impact individuals with Epilepsy with their memory and/or cognitive functionality. In this poll, is very simple question with simple answers, and you...
  2. brain

    Brain Game Room Chat Board - Talk About It!

    WELCOME TO THE BRAIN GAME ROOM CHAT BOARD... TALK ABOUT IT! Spill the beans! We all have our "weaknesses" one way or another - due to genetic, mitochondrial, surgery, medication, etc - all because of Epilepsy (but one does not have to have Epilepsy to play among the boards - everyone can...
  3. Shelley

    stress and memory

    I found this at work. This website seems to have a lot of brain videos. Heres the first: is much shorter if the first doesn't work.
  4. C

    Memory Game plus Pepperidefarms donates to Breast Cancer Research

    Bernard, I'm sorry if this is a little off topic but I wasn't sure where to post. I was looking for some memory matching games to help with my concentration problems and a friend told me about one on the Pepperidgefarm website that will donate to the Susan Kohan foundation for Breast Cancer...
  5. chinchillachic18

    trouble with detail?

    ok so I use to have a VERY VERY good memory and now i cant seem to remember things. Like yesterday i got up and thought it was monday..when it really was saturday...and little things like that. But worst of all is i cant remember details for anything. For example, I could read an article in the...
  6. Lisa

    Do you ever think....

    OK this isnt a vent, but I wasnt sure wich room to stick it in. Like many of us I have memory problems. Between my brain damage, seizures, and medicine I feel like im in a constant fog. I was talking to someone today, and had to recall something, and I realized that it is hard for me to tell...
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