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just wanting some opinions or just feed back on marijuana.
i used to smoke it for fun and i would have seizures and i heard that some people with e smoke weed for medicinal purposes. i quit smoking weed a long time ago not cuz it made me have seizures more or less but because it made me so damn paranoid. even if it did help it still made me think i was going to have one even worse . just a scary feeling. feel free to add whatever you want.:paperbag:
I would say....

...if it made you feel bad (paranoid being bad in my book) that's a big red flag to stop!

I love it.....but can't smoke it. Too addicting for me. Quit twenty years ago.

There is some research data about medicinal marijauna in the alternative therapy section of the forum, but if I remember it comes pretty close to dead last in efficacy compared to other treatments so far. This could be due to minimal testing?

Back to being paranoid....that is 'stress'....stress leads to seizures.

Try varying your music and some stretches!
I live in colorado, which is one of only a few states that have legalized medical marijuana. Epilepsy is one of only 7 conditions you can have and be granted the right ti buy and use it medicinally. Take that as you may.
when i smoked it i did it to get high, not for any other purpose, but as i got older the high changed, when i was younger i felt addicted to it but as i got older it just felt like a phase.:pop:
I lived in Colorado for a while (one of only 5 states that have legalized medical marajuana)...being high always made me feel like I was having a complex partial seizure (which is what I have w/o meds). The seizures and being high have the same effect on me: feeling spaced out, losing track of time, losing track of what I was saying, doing and saying 'dumb' things...Not for me.
Never smoked myself

Having never used it myself, I can not speak about its impact on me. However, I am pretty close to several users and have seen the negative impact on their lives. I have also seen the tragic accidents (used to be an EMT) caused by those who were driving under the influence. Right up there with alcohol. Driving under the influence of any impairment is 'dead' wrong.

I personally can't support the use of medical mj. However, I think that there is plenty of evidence to support researching the extraction of the helpful ingredients. That is how many great medications were developed.

Unfortunately, I can't find it. One of our members that supported mj had a VERY GOOD post about using just the effective components.

I admit that I have never been exposed to someone using mj for medicinal purposes, so my opinions on that slice of the issue are not supported by experience. The use by a terminally ill patient would be one exception that I could support.
Joey, your profile says you starting having seizures around 16. Was this before or after you started smoking marijuana? Just curious because there are reports that marijuana can lead to increased seizure activity for some people.
wow, I am shocked by some of the comments on here. Marijuana leading to crashes??? no!! MJ being harmful for those with seizures....no!! My nuro even told me tat I was most likely self medicating for almost 20 years by using MJ. The effects are muck like aed's as it slows down the firing of the bad neurons. Other than being mentally addicting I cant see anything wrong with it. In addition, it helps with the stress and anxiety associated with E.
Studies done on MJ have been inconclusive. It appears to help some people and harm others. Much like AEDs, there appears to be a wide range of responses to it. From what I gather, it appears to be help with seizure control in the short term while causing more problems in the long term.

Please see the other thread on the subject via the link epileric provided, and this one too: http://www.coping-with-epilepsy.com/forums/f23/supreme-court-ruling-medical-marijuana-578/
I've read about

both sides..........some saying that they get control over their seizures when nothing else would do it, and then just the opposite. It really depends on the person.

I've tried it a couple times, out of curiosity. Did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING FOR ME. BORING! *EYEROLL* I really didn't see what the big deal was........:ponder::roflmao:

just wanting some opinions or just feed back on marijuana.
i used to smoke it for fun and i would have seizures and i heard that some people with e smoke weed for medicinal purposes. i quit smoking weed a long time ago not cuz it made me have seizures more or less but because it made me so damn paranoid. even if it did help it still made me think i was going to have one even worse . just a scary feeling. feel free to add whatever you want.:paperbag:
I used to indulge and like yourself felt "very" paranoid. I could only smoke it by myself or just with one person close to me. Smoking with a crowd" Out of the question. Not only did I feel paranoid but my sense of time was totally scewed. If I smoked it by myself, I would space out to some of my haunting, atmospheric music. Speber's right, paranoia is one of the biggest stressors for a big time trigger. My first seizure was brought about by paranoia. Haven't had a toke in nearly twenty years. I have enought "built in paranonia"! I don't even drink any more....just a "Dull Dora" but that's better than dulling our already sensitve brains. Think about what happens to us after a seizure?...in a dull fog. Yes, marijuana can be used for medicinal purposes - for Glaucoma. I have Glaucoma and stick with the drops. It may "seem" to be cool for the kids but for us adults it's not so cool. We're on and into different things. For me it's watching Indepentant Films, writing (which you, do so very well), reading, music (that sooths the savage breast), and sticking with CWE! Always Laurie 8)
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i started having seizure when i was 16 but i was not on drugs . i think i just started smoking after i had a seizure in class cuz i was kind of an out cast and wanted to rebel.
I am Dutch and live in Holland, people can buy (small amounts) and smoke soft drugs here.
We're in a strange situation now: since this July it's illegal to smoke tobacco in restaurants, bars etc. That means in weed-selling coffeeshops people can't smoke joints rolled with tobacco. But they're allowed to smoke pure marijuhana joints because marijuhana is not under the tobacco law. They first have to legalize it to make it illegal... You can imagine how foreign tourists laugh about this situation.

Marijuhana for medical use (most used as a pain killer) is legal here and we have govenment assigned marijuana farmers. On medical indication it's payed for by health insurance. The medical weed is far more concentrated compared to the 'normal' weed sold in coffeeshops..

I've experimented smoking joints in my teens, also being a rebel outcast in highschool. Liked it and didn't experience any negative effects. But I've never tried it after seizures, really hope never to 'try a seizure' myself.

This one is about using marijuhana to control epileptic seizures (don't know any epilepsy patients myself who tried it, most patients I know are children.)

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Interesting - insurance assistance! As I said before ... only for Glaucoma here. I think - if I rembember Holland is free wheeling with drugs in general. I might be wrong? Laurie
i started having petit mals (had not a clue what epilepsy really was so i didn't know until years later what i was experiencing) after one night when i was 14 after i properly smoked 2 cones. im a lightweight so it didn't just "bring to the surface" the petit mals, it fukd me over in other ways too.

weed can be good and weed can mess u around. it depends on a few things. i had some the other day and i'm not sure what factors (out of several i can determine) are at work (ie physical growth, the aeds or insight) but i can control the panic/paranoia and "dive" or "fall" into the increased epileptic-activity abyss now. but it doesnt mean ima smoke it again for a long while.

personally i think weed is unstable and does more harm than good.
would be cool to get some form of genetically altered super weed that was ultra mellow (like the stuff mentioned in american beauty... g13?) and healthy and just made u laugh. ANd eat in my skinny ass case, haha.
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wow, I am shocked by some of the comments on here. Marijuana leading to crashes??? no!!

Marijauna leading to crashes?? YES!!!

I was an EMT for 20 years and I personally treated multiple people in car accidents due to being under the influence of mj, though alcohol was much more common. It was those of us not under the influence that came to save them. It was also involved in domestic violence cases.

SORRY if you don't agree with me on the medical side, I am more than happy to listen to your opinions. However, please don't try to spread the myth of no traffic deaths. I was there too often. I witnessed them and the memories don't go away over night.

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