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Yup, I grew up and have lived much of my life in the country and/or small towns in the Western U.S.. I've always tried to visit the countryside whenever I traveled to some new to me
part of this country or to other countries. I find the folks there are usually friendlier and more interested/interesting. Maybe my bias.

TPBM likes brown eggs better than white and occasionally eats wild meat.
(I realise this thread is a few months old)

I think I've mostly seen brown eggs here in my part of London, England. I have had white eggs, though, but haven't noticed a difference in taste. I'm not sure what you mean by wild meat.

TPBM has certain odd things they *have* to do that aren't related to OCD. (Sometimes I *have* to eat biscuits/small cookies in pairs with my tea/coffee, such as 2 choc chip cookies and 2 ginger biscuits)
I like peanut butter on, in, or with many food items, but my favorite is probably just PB slathered on a piece of toast---to go with a big bowl of oatmeal with blueberries mixed in, coffee on the side (had it this morning).

Aside to LovesPurple: Wild Meat is meat from critters hunted/caught in the forest, outback, desert, etc., including deer, elk, moose, duck, goose, pheasant. Some "wild" meat is of course raised on farms, so the distinction has blurred a bit.

TPBM likes wearing overalls on their days off.
True. Mostly shirts.

TPMB has more than 3 Dogs.
Not me, just 1..but 3+1 cats, my daughters kitty is here until she moves out.

Tpbm has never been to Mexico.
Yep, summers starting here but with this crazy weather it’s not really got hot like it usually does here. But definitely to a vacation 😊

TPBM has had a rough week (seizure wise or health wise 😞)
Yes. To both 'wises'.

TPBM has only one couch in their entire home.
Yes, I only live in a unit (apartment)

Tpbm lives in a small place
Yes/no (apartment) The bedroom needs to be a bit larger, and a 2nd bathroom would help.

TPBM - Needs to run to the bathroom now.
Nope, I'm good for now.

TPBM needs more lighting in their den.
Can't do it, my parents own the place. Wouldn't mind making a few color changes.

TPBM - Has no idea what to get their dad for Christmas
True lol (Hard to believe it was last year since we played this )

TPBM hasn’t been on cwe much lately
Kinda yes, kinda no. I may skim thru but not post.

Tpbm likes ketchup with their fries.
True! It's actually in the oven now..the cheap ones..Yumm yummm Of course add a few seasonings and a little cheese and bam!

Tpbm doesn't like honeydew melon.
Yep, they're nasty. FYI Totinos pizza is blah to. lol

TPBM - can make a great pizza or comparable dish.
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