Hi, I'm just wondering exactly when I should do cannabis if I suffer from nocturnal seizures. These seizures are very random as well. I can go 3 months without one or I could have one each week. I just want to know when I should do cannabis , before I go to bed or an hour before? Does anyone...
Hi everyone,
I recently joined the boards because I have a nagging question. I was diagnosed with tuberous sclerosis four years ago. I have two benign tubers in my temporal lobe.
I have had complex partial seizures in the past. My last awake one was in 2011. I'm not sure if anyone can relate...
have i seizures when i waking up from nights and have uncnown panic attacks and raise up from bed and wandering to another room with no reason? i also often have numbness in my left bodysite during night sleeps in some seconds without any pinched nerves. i also have a dysfunction in my right...
Hello, everyone. A bit more than a year ago my then 29-year-old son began having nocturnal seizures for no apparent reason. He has had all the usual CAT scans, MRIs, EEGs and cardiac workups. No help really, and we doubt whether the EEG is really his as the doctor claimed it looks like one from...
Hi, my name is Jerry. I did not know much about seizures nor have I ever been around someone having a seizure, until this morning. My boyfriend Will and I have been together nearly a year, I met him in March 2013 and one month later he had a nocturnal seizure due to being very anxious earlier...
My seizures have only been at night, until yesterday when for the first time I had one in the day. It's possible it was heat-related since it had been very hot for the past few days leading up to and including yesterday. With this in mind, should I be phoning my doctor's nurse, or just note it...
I have nocturnal seizures (primarily tonic that affect either my left side only or my whole body). I also live alone. I've always wondered: could someone potentially move one of my arms or my body when it is affected by a seizure? Would I resist the movement because of the stiffening? Could a...
Hi everyone :) I've never done anything like this before so am not too sure on what to say lol. I am 16 years old and have recently been diagnosed with epilepsy, have an appointment too see a neurologist coming up :/ i first went too the doctors suffering from severe headaches - was sent for an...
Hi, I'm new here. Is there anyone here who has nocturnal seizures that only occur when you are sleeping on your back? I do. If I sleep on my side or stomach, it doesn't happen.
Also, do you ever wake up blind?
I have had seizures probably all my life, I just didn't know it. That is...
Hi, I have been exhausted and suffering from hallucinations frequently. I sit in bed and stare at whatever I am seeing and usually wake my husband. I finally went to a sleep specialist and he does not think it is narcolepsy due to the hallucinations being in the middle of the night, not upon...
I'm hoping for some of your experiences here. I've read a few times that when you have a cold/virus, change in other medications etc., your seizure threshold is lowered.
I have a virus (cold), and at the same time am ramping down my anti-depressant and suffering a migraine (six or seven weeks...
Last year when my nocturnal seizures were uncontrolled, I was waking up gasping, sitting up and throwing my arms forward (as if returning from death), and very restless. We seemed to have those under control.
Recently something a bit different has been happening. I'm waking during the night...
I have posted here only a few times. My 20 year old son has had 4 sleep seizures in the past year, only in his sleep in the mornings. His girlfriend who shares a bed with him has been the one to discover them. With everything we have thought of and know, he never had one previous to Nov...
Hi everyone,
I'll try to keep this short. My daughter is 6, and has a complicated history. She developed infantile spasms as an infant which resolved after a brain benign brain tumor was removed. Fast forward....about three years ago we started noticing the occasional nighttime seizure. We...
Hi everyone. I have a question. My 20 year old son has had 4 nocturnal only seizures in the past year and we are still in the diagnostic process. He is the picture of health otherwise. An overzealous ER doctor submitted him to DMV last year and he has not driven since but we are finding more...
In advance; sorry I write so much before I get to the point! I tend to over-tell stories when it comes to medical stuff, as I'm afraid of leaving out important details, but you seem like a forgiving bunch :)
So I had a good streak going of no true seizures for a little over a month, which is...
For those of you with nocturnal seizures they have Sleep CD's that actually work with your brain waves that induce sleep and relaxation. Now I've just started it, but I'm loving it and at least last night I didn't seize. Actually, I fell asleep rather quickly and prior to doing so I found that...
:twocents:Hello everyone. I had my 5th T/C seizure last night which landed me in the emergency room...again. After meeting with my Neurologist yesterday, he suggested that I see a epileptologist to determine what additional AED I should take. I am currently taking 3,000mg of Keppra daily, but...
Just some information to explore on nocturnal seizures and neurofeedback.
Abstracts and Papers . . . from SNR Members and Meetings Prior to 1995 (abs. pg. 5)
More neurofeedback research links here:
For the past several years, I have been getting bad night sweats.
I've never given it much thought but now I wonder if it's a medical problem.
The bedroom has AC and it is not unusually warm in there.
I recently had a physical exam and forgot to mention about the night sweats ~ every night.
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