
  1. JLogefeil

    Good News Everyone!! I Got Some Answers!

    So I had my last meeting with my Psychologist and he said there not psudoseizures but complex partial seizures. And said now the doctors will be able to work with you to find out if there something more to them. I can say that I m happy, I'm sure that sounds weird. I know for a fact that I m...
  2. JLogefeil

    Should I Tell My Doctors This?

    I looked at the report from this last time I went to the hospital and it said this about my eyes. Quote- bilaterally dilated pupils, but reactive to light. Extraocular movements or lid lag can not be commented on. Moist conjunctivae, anicteric sclera. Pupils are dilated, but reactive to...
  3. JLogefeil

    Does This Happen To You? Should I Be Worried?

    So last night my husband said I had 3 seizures last night. So I woke up this morning and went to the bathroom and was really tired so I went back to bed but I noticed that it was hard for me to Sleep becuase it felt like my brain was being shocked or electrocuted. Should I be worried does this...
  4. JLogefeil

    How Many Seizures Does A Person Have A Month?

    If you aren't taking anti seizure meds or anything like that. How many seizures does the average person have a month? We're talking like grand mals and/or tonic clinic seizures. And how long do they last for like how many minutes?
  5. JLogefeil

    Can They Diagnose You Even If?

    I have a question! So if I do everything that the doctors tell me to do like keeping a diary about your seizure, talking to a psychiatrist, taking the medicine they prescribe to you, ect, if you do the stuff they want and your psychiatrist writes a letter saying that the diagnosis that the...
  6. RobinN

    Women and Epilepsy

    How to manage epilepsy instead of letting it manage you. http://neurologynow.com/pt/re/neuronow/fulltext.01222928-200804030-00017.htm;jsessionid=LXyWLxLHlJYpJK0NyZP2Zz5xCVJCCMcdc9LJQQHqkg0fryFs2Hs2!-1179726830!181195629!8091!-1!1213723254064
  7. A

    hormones catamenial epilepsy

    http://professionals.epilepsy.com/wi/print_section.php?section=hormones_catamenial hi I just found this thought some of you would like to read it... Catamenial epilepsy Patterns and causes Evaluation Treatment Catamenial (from the Greek kata, by; men, month) epilepsy refers to seizure...
  8. brain

    What Some Women Need To Know About Reproductive Health And Certain Medications

    Great Article by Dr. Martha Morrell: What Some Women Need To Know About Reproductive Health And Certain Medications
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