
  1. JLogefeil

    What To Expect This Time?

    My 2nd Nuro doc app is on the 30th. What should or shouldn't expect from 2nd appointment?
  2. JLogefeil

    What Should My Plan Be?

    Most of the time I'm by myself at home. I tried talking to my hubby about what I should do if I feel like I m going to have a seizure or if I have one what do I do (If i remember at that time)? But he never wants to talk about it or just says "well u haven't had really any big problems when I m...
  3. JLogefeil

    Do Dream About Your Seizures?

    I always dream about my seizures. Have you done this? Is this the way my body could be telling me something? Why would this be happening? For example yesterday when I took my afternoon nap I had a dream that I had to go to the hospital here becuase of my seizures and it was the same doctor that...
  4. JLogefeil

    Should I Call My Nuro Doctor And Ask Or Not?

    I have been thinking lately, and I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing. anyways...... My husband and I want to move back to Idaho and the only reason we are staying here in Cali is because of the new Nuro doctor I'm seeing. I want to call him and kinda talk to him and see if he...
  5. JLogefeil

    Should I Show This To My Neurologist Or Not?

    Hi, I had a seizure this morning and my husband told me that he heard a big band on the wall, so he came in and saw me having a seizure. His mother told him to grab my phone a video it so we can show it to my neurologist. I really don't want to show this to him. I don't want him to think...
  6. JLogefeil

    So Emberessed, Seizure At Chruch.

    At chruch today we had like ten min left of church and I had a TC seizure. It was so emberessing. That got my husband from his class and he waited till I wasn't seizing anymore and wasn't as stiff and I sighed, thats how he knows I m breathing normal again, and pick me up at took me home. Im so...
  7. JLogefeil

    Can Any Type Of Seizure be Triggered By Your Menstral Cycel?

    I was just wondering if you have any type of seizure. Can your period trigger that? What seizure types can a period trigger?
  8. JLogefeil

    How Can I Get This?

    My husband and I were thinking about getting me an oxygen tank. The reason we were getting one is because of my seizures, and sometimes I stop breathing. We rather have it then be screwed. How is the best way to get this? Can you get it with Medicare? (its the insurance you get with your SSI...
  9. JLogefeil

    Update From Nurologist Appointment Today

    I went to my appointment today. The doctor was nice, he was older and one of thoes old fashion doctors. So basically all he did I do a physical exam, witch he said was normal, but he didn't have a little problem getting a reflex from my left knee, he moved my foot still didn't work then moved...
  10. JLogefeil

    Goin To The Nuroligist Tomorre!!

    Tomorrw at 1:00pm I wall be seeing my Nuroligist Tomorrow. I m so nervous I have never been to one were I actually talk, the other times I have been unconchious( sorry spelled that wrong). Is there anything I should keep in mind? What will be the main reason Im going there to him ? Just to...
  11. JLogefeil

    Can I Be Having An Allergic Reaction To Keppra?

    This morning I woke up, becuase I have hives on my stomach and sides. It seemed to not bother me till tonight. Before I took my Keepra I started having hives again. I m worried that I m having an allergic reaction. Also my body hurts really bad like its all sore. What could be going on? I m not...
  12. JLogefeil

    Had 5 Seizures In A Row:(

    So I have been seizure free for three weeks today if I didnt have 5 seizures in a row last night. I ve been under a lot of stress and during the times that the stress was going on I had none but when the stress is going down I had 5 in a row. I'm on Keppra 1000mg a day why didn't the Keppra...
  13. JLogefeil

    Could This Happen To Someone Who Doesn't Have Seizures?

    I was wondering if someone who has never had a seizure take Anti Seizure Meds and the pills cause them to have seizures. The reason I m asking is because my friend was stealing my Keppra pills and I don't know how long she was doing this but I m afraid these pills will cause her to have...
  14. JLogefeil

    Could This Be A Sign Of A Seizure? Or My Keppra?

    I was just sitting in the car and my left arm just all of a sudden felt like a dead arm. Could this be a sign of a seizure a tonic clonic one or a different kind of seizure? If so what kind? Or could Keppra be causeing this? Please help I m worried. I haven't been diagnosed by a doc yet but...
  15. JLogefeil

    Can My Seizures Be Causing This?

    I have been noticing lately that I have been forgetting the most simplest things. I always had a little memory problems but it seeems to have gotten worse. Could my TC seizures be causeing this? I also know that there are many kinds of seizures that can cause this and people have been diagnosed...
  16. JLogefeil

    I'm Done!!

    My husband and I went to the hospital here and got the reports of when i went into the hospital. And everything that was said on it is what other peoples options. It said that my mother in law and my sister in law (witch was my best Friend at the time, we only said that so she don't have to sit...
  17. JLogefeil

    So My Pycholigist (spelled that wrong) What's Me Too. ????

    So my pych wants me to ask for a full work up when I go see my neurologist in about a month. What is a full work up? He also said that if the neruo I m seeing isn't going to help me he said to ask to go to a university. What is going to a university goin to do, when I hear thr word it makes me...
  18. JLogefeil

    What Should I Expect When I Go See A Neurologists?

    So I m goin to see a Neurologists in about manybe a month and I m just wondering what shoul I expect? It's for my seizures and I'm afraid that he/ she wount beleave me. Why kind of questions is this person going to ask etc?
  19. JLogefeil

    Started Taking Keppra, Do People WhO Take This Feel The Same Way?

    So on Tuesday or Wednesday day I was walking home from the Social severity office and I had a seizure in the way home one the side of the highway and they let my go at 2:00 am I was in the ER for 11 hrs. Then next day I wanted to thank the people who helped me, so invites them over and I had...
  20. JLogefeil

    I'm Starting To Get Worried Now. Should I Be?

    So today has been really bad. I have been having TC seizures for the last 3 days and today I will be doing something or thinking of something and I all of a sudden forget what I m doing or thinking. Could this be becuase of the TC seizures? I m not on Amy meds yet becuase the doc in crescent...
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