
  1. S

    Epilepsy Club at School

    Hello, I am currently a university student and I recently inherited the epilepsy c;ub at my school. I would love to connect the club with others across the country/internationally. I also would like to know if any of you have an epilepsy club and have ideas on how to raise awareness across...
  2. Matthew74

    For parents with college-bound children.

    This may be useful to parents sending their kids to college. It's a letter I wrote to a college based on my experience, and what I have heard from others. To Student Welfare: I am not writing so much on my own behalf as for other students who have epilepsy. I’m sure that you have dealt with...
  3. Matthew74

    Dealing with School

    I haven't been here for a long time, but as some of you know I'm going to school to learn band instrument repair. Overall it has gone well. It's a one year course divided into quarters: Brass I, Woodwinds I, Brass II, and Woodwinds II. Brass I went great and I loved it, the instructor...
  4. M

    college student with partial seizures

    Hey all! I'm a junior in college currently, and I've been seizure free for four years on medication. However, I'm having some trouble dealing with having epilepsy, and don't have any friends who have it. I've started thinking about post-college careers, which is scary enough as it is, but I'm...
  5. C

    Job/Career- what do you do?

    Hey all. I'm 24 years old, and have been taking classes since I was 19 (currently on a break because I just had to drop out in October when I had my first seizure and was diagnosed), have changed my major twice, and am thinking of changing again once everything is under control and I get to go...
  6. P

    Modified Atkins for Seizures: Adult + college

    Hello everyone, Right now, my new doctor put me on the Modified Atkins Diet for Seizures- however I am an adult (29) and going to college so it is a bit had to keep on it with all the restrictions and limited time to cook. Does anyone know of some basic foods that I can keep around to make...
  7. R

    College suggestions?

    Hello everyone! I'm brand new to the forum (and posted in the Lemonade Stand and was redirected here for some guidance) and have some questions about college. I am a student at a college in NJ at the moment but due to EXTREME problems I've been having with the administration (I had to take a...
  8. L

    Why is my memory so bad?! please help!

    My memory has gotten so bad recently; i literally will be talking and just forget what im even saying about 3 words into the conversation, its driving me insane! im in college so i need to be able to remember things to pass my A-levels in chemistry, maths, biology and photography :/ my teacher...
  9. edepew151

    Career with dog?

    Hey everyone! Guess what! I'm getting a seizure alert dog! :woot: I'm so excited I can hardly contain myself! I'm so excited for the independence it will bring! Anyway, my parents said that when I get my dog they will feel better about my going off to college alone, and I wanted to know what...
  10. edepew151

    Job ideas?!

    Hey everyone. I'm in college, and I have to declare a major soon. The problem is that I can't think of any profession that will work with my epilepsy! I'm on the waiting list for a seizure response dog and will have one by the time I graduate, so that narrows my options severely. I have seizures...
  11. C

    Nocturnal Seizures??? navigating doctor appts

    Hello. I'm 21. Originally a neurologist diagnosed me with epilepsy at 13 years old. I doubted the diagnosis, thinking it was a psychogenic reaction to a stressful situation at school, and convinced my parents to refuse meds. I don't remember the details of what kind of seizure they thought I...
  12. Crystal11

    Hello everyone!

    Hello everyone, Crystal11 also on as Crystal11. Happy to be here and nice to meet everyone here. It is really nice to see some people from on here as well. I am a college graduate with complex partial seizures, blindness and deafness. I am interested in finding people with...
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