
  1. B

    Issues with meds and scared to rejoin the workforce.

    I have focal seizures. I've been on lamictal, Keppra and now trileptal. Lamictal worked but I had a few break through auras, would drop things all the time and couldn't remember words or they would come out wrong. I also had no memory. It gave me horrible acne. I tried every medication the...
  2. L

    Thinking about reducing meds - Epilim's driving me crazy!

    Hi everyone, This is my first message here. I've been feeling really hopeless and bitter about things lately and it's hard for my family to understand why I can't just snap out of it and think positive. Don't get me wrong they couldn't be more supportive but they don't know how mixed up...
  3. A

    Newly diagnosed with epilepsy and have some questions!

    I recently had an MRI, sleep study, and EEG done d/t having episodes of waking up in the middle of the night confused followed by muscle shaking. The MRI and sleep study were benign (besides mucousal thickening of my sinuses), but the EEG showed independent interictal theta wave spikes in my...
  4. Katiered

    Am I just crazy?!

    Hey all, I need your help please! I stopped Topamax three weeks ago, and have been increasing Lamotrigine. I had been on it for several years before I realized I was having seizures. At that time I was having them often (just didn't know that's what was going on), but they were always simple...
  5. B

    Medications for Simple Partial

    I feel like the side effects of the meds are worst than having the simple partial seizures. So far I've been on Lamictal, Keppra and now Trileptal. All of them caused memory issues, speech problems, made me feel tired. Lamictal also gave me horrible acne. Keppra made me very irritable and the...
  6. Katiered

    Lamictal - severe joint pain

    Hey! Hope everyone had a good weekend! Wondering - the websites say to call your doctor immediately for body pain, fever etc. (I assume its alluding to 'the rash') but I don't want to call again for no reason and seem paranoid since I don't have a rash, just extreme joint pain (can't sleep...
  7. T

    Epilepsy after TBI

    Hello - my husband has epilepsy as a result of a TBI and brain surgery. He had one gran mal seizure 10 months after the TBI (the dilantin wasn't at a theraputic level). Since last May, he's been on Lamictal XR 300 mg and Dilantin 550 mg a day. Suspect the meds are causing many of the...
  8. B

    Lamictal & Memory

    Hello, Let me start by describing my e-story: I had one seizure 4 years ago, and then nothing until about a year ago when I had another one, got diagnosed and started taking Lamictal. After the third seizure my neurologist told me to increase the dose by 50mg\d every time I have a seizure up to...
  9. S

    Pregnancy while on Lamictal

    Hello, My history with seizures started when I was 10, I've had around 7 seizure total in my life. I started out with grand mal and now they are partial. However, I have not had a seizure in 7 years while on medication( Lamictal). There was an incident 3 years ago where my eye was...
  10. Bluesbrkr

    Please Help! Painful mouth sores when changing meds around

    Hi. I have been on 800 MG Lamictal and 1200 Trileptal and was finding them slowly losing their effectiveness to where I was having 5-10 simples a day. My Neuro decided to try me on Depakote and that has been working very well. I've also been able to lower my Lamictal dosage, which i'm sure my...
  11. S

    Lamictal. swelling of eyes and rashes

    I'm wondering if anyone taking lamictal has ever experienced swelling of the eyes and/or a severe issue with rashes specifically around the face? I started limactal a few years ago and shortly after I started having these symptoms. At first it was believed to be allergies but even after moving...
  12. RunningGirl85

    Yet another question about Lamictal

    Does anyone know if it messes with blood flow? I've developed a pain in my foot, which I've attributed to pushing myself a bit hard with running; however, I've also noticed random bruises, and the bottom of BOTH of my feet are purple (even the one that doesn't hurt). The one that DOES hurt has...
  13. S

    Recently Started to take Lamictal, twitching?

    Hi, I started to have seizers last year. I am now on Lamictal and have not had a seizer for two months. The thing is this that the past week I have increased my dosage to about a 100 mg a day and I have started to notice that I twitch a lot. My legs twitch, arms twitch, and sometimes my eyes...
  14. B

    New here

    Hello, I'm Ben, I have been diagnosed with epilepsy in December last year and have been having seizures every 3 months or so, have had 4 (including the first one) so far, the last one being a week ago. I'm taking Lamictal at 300mg now (gradually increasing from 250mg) as the doctor instructed...
  15. RighterWriter

    Lamictal rash?

    I've been taking Lamictal for several months (I think just about three, more or less) and I just upped to 300mg a day (100 in the morning and 200 at night). I'm now well within the therapeutic range, but I only just got that way. This morning, I woke up with some purplish and red spots on my...
  16. R

    Seizures continue on Lamictal

    My simple partial seizures have continued to occur even after taking Lamictal for almost 8 weeks. The seizure "events" happen about every 28 days and manifest themselves by episodes of intense sweating, which last only 4-5 minutes each. The most number of episodes during a 24 hour event prior...
  17. S

    Keppra vs Lamictal

    My husband started having nocturnal seizures when he was 53 years old. Not very often, about once a year, but last year after a conscious seizure his neurologist put him on 200 mg of Lamictal. That made his memory so bad he could hardly function. So, he stopped the Lamictal, and within a couple...
  18. C

    Lamictal & Memory Loss

    Does anybody experience memory loss while on Lamictal or a feeling like you can't quite comprehend things as well as you should be? I Lose things left and right and forget important things easily throughout the day. I also feel like I'm not at my full working mind state. There seems to be a...
  19. D

    Pregnant (or have been pregnant) on lamictal?

    Hi there, I'm just looking to hear the stories of anyone who has had children, is currently pregnant, or is trying to get pregnant while on Lamictal. I have a neurologist and an OB/GYN I trust very much and have full confidence in, but it would help to hear from others as we begin to explore...
  20. D

    Hoping for safe & healthy pregnancy...god willing

    I don't know if this is the place to share this...perhaps someone can direct me to another thread or chat room or group. But here it goes. I've been on medication for seizures since I was 15, with few breakthroughs and what I call small "episodes" here and there. Currently, I'm on 400mg of...
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